0import React from "react";
2const RocketLaunchIcon = ({ className }) => (
3 <svg
4 className={className}
5 aria-hidden="true"
6 viewBox="0 0 24 24"
7 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
8 >
9 <path
10 fillRule="evenodd"
11 clipRule="evenodd"
12 d="M9.315 7.58365C12.1956 3.88296 16.6946 1.50021 21.75 1.5C21.9489 1.49999 22.1397 1.57901 22.2803 1.71966C22.421 1.86031 22.5 2.05108 22.5 2.25C22.5 7.30564 20.1173 11.805 16.4165 14.6859C16.4715 15.0329 16.5 15.3883 16.5 15.75C16.5 19.4779 13.4779 22.5 9.75 22.5C9.33579 22.5 9 22.1642 9 21.75V17.6185C8.99075 17.6118 8.98163 17.6049 8.97264 17.5978C8.02063 16.8429 7.15799 15.9803 6.40312 15.0282C6.39577 15.019 6.38866 15.0096 6.38179 15H2.25C1.83579 15 1.5 14.6642 1.5 14.25C1.5 10.5221 4.52208 7.5 8.25 7.5C8.61198 7.5 8.96772 7.52856 9.315 7.58365ZM15 6.75C13.7574 6.75 12.75 7.75736 12.75 9C12.75 10.2426 13.7574 11.25 15 11.25C16.2426 11.25 17.25 10.2426 17.25 9C17.25 7.75736 16.2426 6.75 15 6.75Z"
13 />
14 <path d="M5.26036 17.2418C5.59237 16.9942 5.66074 16.5242 5.41306 16.1922C5.16539 15.8602 4.69546 15.7918 4.36345 16.0395C3.08209 16.9954 2.25 18.5256 2.25 20.2499C2.25 20.5255 2.27129 20.7966 2.31246 21.0615C2.36259 21.3842 2.61574 21.6373 2.93842 21.6875C3.20336 21.7286 3.47445 21.7499 3.75 21.7499C5.47434 21.7499 7.00452 20.9178 7.9604 19.6365C8.20808 19.3045 8.13971 18.8345 7.8077 18.5869C7.47569 18.3392 7.00576 18.4075 6.75809 18.7396C6.07313 19.6577 4.98081 20.2499 3.75 20.2499C3.75 19.0191 4.34218 17.9268 5.26036 17.2418Z" />
15 </svg>
18const CommisionIcon = ({ className }) => {
19 return (
20 <svg
21 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
22 viewBox="0 0 24 24"
23 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"
24 className={className}
25 >
26 <path d="M12 7.5C10.7574 7.5 9.75 8.50736 9.75 9.75C9.75 10.9926 10.7574 12 12 12C13.2426 12 14.25 10.9926 14.25 9.75C14.25 8.50736 13.2426 7.5 12 7.5Z" />
27 <path
28 fillRule="evenodd"
29 clipRule="evenodd"
30 d="M1.5 4.875C1.5 3.83947 2.33947 3 3.375 3H20.625C21.6605 3 22.5 3.83947 22.5 4.875V14.625C22.5 15.6605 21.6605 16.5 20.625 16.5H3.375C2.33947 16.5 1.5 15.6605 1.5 14.625V4.875ZM8.25 9.75C8.25 7.67893 9.92893 6 12 6C14.0711 6 15.75 7.67893 15.75 9.75C15.75 11.8211 14.0711 13.5 12 13.5C9.92893 13.5 8.25 11.8211 8.25 9.75ZM18.75 9C18.3358 9 18 9.33579 18 9.75V9.7575C18 10.1717 18.3358 10.5075 18.75 10.5075H18.7575C19.1717 10.5075 19.5075 10.1717 19.5075 9.7575V9.75C19.5075 9.33579 19.1717 9 18.7575 9H18.75ZM4.5 9.75C4.5 9.33579 4.83579 9 5.25 9H5.2575C5.67171 9 6.0075 9.33579 6.0075 9.75V9.7575C6.0075 10.1717 5.67171 10.5075 5.2575 10.5075H5.25C4.83579 10.5075 4.5 10.1717 4.5 9.7575V9.75Z"
31 />
32 <path d="M2.25 18C1.83579 18 1.5 18.3358 1.5 18.75C1.5 19.1642 1.83579 19.5 2.25 19.5C7.65005 19.5 12.8802 20.2222 17.8498 21.5749C19.0404 21.899 20.25 21.0168 20.25 19.7551V18.75C20.25 18.3358 19.9142 18 19.5 18H2.25Z" />
33 </svg>
34 );
37const StreamlineIcon = ({ className }) => {
38 return (
39 <svg
40 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
41 viewBox="0 0 24 24"
42 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"
43 className={className}
44 >
45 <path d="M21 4.78125V6.75C21 8.56289 16.9701 10.0312 12 10.0312C7.02991 10.0312 3 8.56289 3 6.75V4.78125C3 2.96836 7.02991 1.5 12 1.5C16.9701 1.5 21 2.96836 21 4.78125ZM18.7982 10.3061C19.6339 10.0025 20.4013 9.61289 21 9.13301V13.3125C21 15.1254 16.9701 16.5938 12 16.5938C7.02991 16.5938 3 15.1254 3 13.3125V9.13301C3.59866 9.61699 4.36607 10.0025 5.20179 10.3061C7.0058 10.9623 9.40848 11.3438 12 11.3438C14.5915 11.3438 16.9942 10.9623 18.7982 10.3061ZM3 15.6955C3.59866 16.1795 4.36607 16.565 5.20179 16.8686C7.0058 17.5248 9.40848 17.9062 12 17.9062C14.5915 17.9062 16.9942 17.5248 18.7982 16.8686C19.6339 16.565 20.4013 16.1754 21 15.6955V19.2188C21 21.0316 16.9701 22.5 12 22.5C7.02991 22.5 3 21.0316 3 19.2188V15.6955Z" />
46 </svg>
47 );
50const BellSnoozeIcon = ({ className }) => (
51 <svg
52 className={className}
53 aria-hidden="true"
54 viewBox="0 0 24 24"
55 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
56 >
57 <path
58 fillRule="evenodd"
59 clipRule="evenodd"
60 d="M12 2.25C8.27215 2.25 5.25012 5.27197 5.25001 8.9998L5.24981 9.75C5.24981 11.8731 4.44879 13.8074 3.13126 15.2699C2.96476 15.4547 2.90073 15.71 2.96033 15.9516C3.01992 16.1931 3.19539 16.3893 3.42875 16.4755C4.97287 17.0455 6.58934 17.4659 8.2604 17.7192C8.25351 17.812 8.25001 17.9056 8.25001 18C8.25001 20.0711 9.92894 21.75 12 21.75C14.0711 21.75 15.75 20.0711 15.75 18C15.75 17.9056 15.7465 17.812 15.7396 17.7192C17.4105 17.4659 19.0269 17.0455 20.5709 16.4755C20.8042 16.3893 20.9797 16.1931 21.0393 15.9516C21.0989 15.71 21.0349 15.4547 20.8684 15.2699C19.5508 13.8074 18.7498 11.8731 18.7498 9.75V9.04919L18.75 9C18.75 5.27208 15.7279 2.25 12 2.25ZM9.75001 18C9.75001 17.9662 9.75075 17.9326 9.75221 17.8993C10.4927 17.966 11.2424 18 11.9998 18C12.7574 18 13.5072 17.9659 14.2478 17.8992C14.2493 17.9326 14.25 17.9662 14.25 18C14.25 19.2426 13.2427 20.25 12 20.25C10.7574 20.25 9.75001 19.2426 9.75001 18ZM10.5 7.5C10.0858 7.5 9.75 7.83579 9.75 8.25C9.75 8.66421 10.0858 9 10.5 9H12.0986L9.87596 12.334C9.72253 12.5641 9.70823 12.86 9.83874 13.1039C9.96926 13.3478 10.2234 13.5 10.5 13.5H13.5C13.9142 13.5 14.25 13.1642 14.25 12.75C14.25 12.3358 13.9142 12 13.5 12H11.9014L14.124 8.66603C14.2775 8.43588 14.2918 8.13997 14.1613 7.89611C14.0307 7.65224 13.7766 7.5 13.5 7.5H10.5Z"
61 />
62 </svg>
65const BoostIcon = ({ className }) => {
66 return (
67 <svg
68 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
69 viewBox="0 0 24 24"
70 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"
71 className={className}
72 >
73 <path d="M6 3C4.34315 3 3 4.34315 3 6V8.25C3 9.90685 4.34315 11.25 6 11.25H8.25C9.90685 11.25 11.25 9.90685 11.25 8.25V6C11.25 4.34315 9.90685 3 8.25 3H6Z" />
74 <path d="M15.75 3C14.0931 3 12.75 4.34315 12.75 6V8.25C12.75 9.90685 14.0931 11.25 15.75 11.25H18C19.6569 11.25 21 9.90685 21 8.25V6C21 4.34315 19.6569 3 18 3H15.75Z" />
75 <path d="M6 12.75C4.34315 12.75 3 14.0931 3 15.75V18C3 19.6569 4.34315 21 6 21H8.25C9.90685 21 11.25 19.6569 11.25 18V15.75C11.25 14.0931 9.90685 12.75 8.25 12.75H6Z" />
76 <path d="M17.625 13.5C17.625 13.0858 17.2892 12.75 16.875 12.75C16.4608 12.75 16.125 13.0858 16.125 13.5V16.125H13.5C13.0858 16.125 12.75 16.4608 12.75 16.875C12.75 17.2892 13.0858 17.625 13.5 17.625H16.125V20.25C16.125 20.6642 16.4608 21 16.875 21C17.2892 21 17.625 20.6642 17.625 20.25V17.625H20.25C20.6642 17.625 21 17.2892 21 16.875C21 16.4608 20.6642 16.125 20.25 16.125H17.625V13.5Z" />
77 </svg>
78 );
81const ToolsIcon = ({ className }) => {
82 return (
83 <svg
84 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
85 viewBox="0 0 24 24"
86 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"
87 className={className}
88 >
89 <path
90 fillRule="evenodd"
91 clipRule="evenodd"
92 d="M12 6.75C12 3.85051 14.3505 1.5 17.25 1.5C17.7791 1.5 18.2913 1.57852 18.7747 1.72505C19.027 1.80151 19.2206 2.00479 19.2847 2.26048C19.3488 2.51618 19.2739 2.78674 19.0875 2.97313L15.7688 6.29183C15.8305 6.76741 16.0438 7.22581 16.409 7.59099C16.7742 7.95617 17.2326 8.16947 17.7082 8.23117L21.0269 4.91247C21.2133 4.72608 21.4838 4.65122 21.7395 4.7153C21.9952 4.77938 22.1985 4.97299 22.275 5.22526C22.4215 5.7087 22.5 6.22086 22.5 6.75C22.5 9.64949 20.1495 12 17.25 12C17.0995 12 16.9503 11.9936 16.8027 11.9812C15.7855 11.8952 14.9338 12.0816 14.4944 12.6151L7.34327 21.2987C6.71684 22.0593 5.78308 22.5 4.79769 22.5C2.97642 22.5 1.5 21.0236 1.5 19.2023C1.5 18.2169 1.94067 17.2832 2.70132 16.6567L11.3849 9.50557C11.9184 9.06623 12.1048 8.21453 12.0188 7.19728C12.0064 7.04968 12 6.9005 12 6.75ZM4.11723 19.125C4.11723 18.7108 4.45302 18.375 4.86723 18.375H4.87473C5.28895 18.375 5.62473 18.7108 5.62473 19.125V19.1325C5.62473 19.5468 5.28895 19.8825 4.87473 19.8825H4.86723C4.45302 19.8825 4.11723 19.5468 4.11723 19.1325V19.125Z"
93 />
94 <path d="M10.076 8.64031L7.87502 6.43936V4.87502C7.87502 4.61157 7.73679 4.36744 7.51089 4.2319L3.76089 1.9819C3.46578 1.80483 3.08804 1.85133 2.84469 2.09469L2.09469 2.84469C1.85133 3.08804 1.80483 3.46578 1.9819 3.76089L4.2319 7.51089C4.36744 7.73679 4.61157 7.87502 4.87502 7.87502H6.43936L8.50138 9.93704L10.076 8.64031Z" />
95 <path
96 fillRule="evenodd"
97 clipRule="evenodd"
98 d="M12.5559 17.3287L16.7386 21.5114C18.0567 22.8294 20.1936 22.8294 21.5116 21.5114C22.8296 20.1934 22.8296 18.0565 21.5116 16.7385L18.206 13.4328C17.8937 13.4771 17.5746 13.5 17.2501 13.5C17.0574 13.5 16.866 13.4918 16.6765 13.4758C16.2822 13.4425 15.994 13.4696 15.8089 13.5177C15.7053 13.5446 15.6574 13.5713 15.6419 13.5814L12.5559 17.3287ZM15.9698 15.9697C16.2627 15.6768 16.7375 15.6768 17.0304 15.9697L18.9054 17.8447C19.1983 18.1376 19.1983 18.6124 18.9054 18.9053C18.6125 19.1982 18.1377 19.1982 17.8448 18.9053L15.9698 17.0303C15.6769 16.7374 15.6769 16.2626 15.9698 15.9697Z"
99 />
100 </svg>
101 );
104const data = {
105 subHeading: "FAQs",
106 title: "Frequently asked questions",
107 paragraph:
108 "We understand that you might have questions about using Jettwave for your brand's needs. Our FAQ section is designed to address those queries and give you a comprehensive understanding of our services",
109 items: [
110 {
111 question: "What features support efficient project management?",
112 answer:
113 "Our platform helps streamline your project management process and keep track of tasks, deadlines, and progress with ease.",
114 Icon: RocketLaunchIcon,
115 },
116 {
117 question: "How does your platform ensure seamless communication?",
118 answer:
119 "Our platform facilitates smooth communication within your team and with clients through integrated messaging and collaboration tools.",
120 Icon: CommisionIcon,
121 },
122 {
123 question:
124 "What capabilities does the platform provide for intelligent automation?",
125 answer:
126 "Our platform allows you to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks to improve productivity and free up valuable time for more important work.",
127 Icon: StreamlineIcon,
128 },
129 {
130 question: "What security measures does the platform incorporate?",
131 answer:
132 "We ensure the safety and confidentiality of your data with advanced security features and robust privacy protocols.",
133 Icon: BellSnoozeIcon,
134 },
135 {
136 question: "Does the platform provide any customization options?",
137 answer:
138 "Yes, you can tailor the platform to your specific needs with customizable features, layouts, and branding elements.",
139 Icon: BoostIcon,
140 },
141 {
142 question: "What reporting and analytics does the platform provide?",
143 answer:
144 "Our platform provides comprehensive reports and analytics to help you gain valuable insights into your business performance and make informed decisions.",
145 Icon: ToolsIcon,
146 },
147 ],
150export function Faqs3() {
151 return (
152 <div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-md px-8 py-12 sm:max-w-xl md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-5xl xl:max-w-7xl">
153 <p className="mb-1 truncate text-lg font-semibold capitalize text-sky-600">
154 {data.subHeading}
155 </p>
156 <div className="mb-12 max-w-3xl">
157 <h2 className="mb-4 text-4xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance]">
158 {data.title}
159 </h2>
160 <p className="text-lg text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">
161 {data.paragraph}
162 </p>
163 </div>
165 <div className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-12 md:grid-cols-2 xl:grid-cols-3">
166 {data.items.map(({ question, answer, Icon }, index: number) => {
167 return (
168 <div key={index} className="flex flex-col gap-y-5">
169 <div className="relative m-[3px] h-12 w-12 shrink-0 overflow-hidden rounded-xl border border-sky-200 bg-white p-2.5 ring-[3px] ring-sky-100">
170 <Icon className="relative h-full w-full fill-sky-600" />
171 </div>
172 <div>
173 <p className="mb-1 text-lg font-bold text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance] first-letter:uppercase">
174 {question}
175 </p>
176 <p className="text-base text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">
177 {answer}
178 </p>
179 </div>
180 </div>
181 );
182 })}
183 </div>
184 </div>
185 );