Table with filters and search
0import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";1import Link from "next/link";23const ClockIcon = ({ className }) => {4 return (5 <svg6 xmlns=""7 viewBox="0 0 24 24"8 className={className}9 >10 <path11 fillRule="evenodd"12 d="M12 2.25c-5.385 0-9.75 4.365-9.75 9.75s4.365 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75-4.365 9.75-9.75S17.385 2.25 12 2.25zM12.75 6a.75.75 0 00-1.5 0v6c0 .414.336.75.75.75h4.5a.75.75 0 000-1.5h-3.75V6z"13 clipRule="evenodd"14 />15 </svg>16 );17};1819const LocationIcon = ({ className }) => {20 return (21 <svg22 xmlns=""23 viewBox="0 0 24 24"24 className={className}25 >26 <path27 fillRule="evenodd"28 d="M11.54 22.351l. 0 00.723 0l.028-.015.071-.041a16.975 16.975 0 001.144-.742 19.58 19.58 0 002.683-2.282c1.944-1.99 3.963-4.98 3.963-8.827a8.25 8.25 0 00-16.5 0c0 3.846 2.02 6.837 3.963 8.827a19.58 19.58 0 002.682 2.282 16.975 16.975 0 001.145.742zM12 13.5a3 3 0 100-6 3 3 0 000 6z"29 clipRule="evenodd"30 />31 </svg>32 );33};3435interface ILocation {36 country: string;37 city: string;38 state: string;39}4041interface ICareers {42 position: string;43 location: ILocation;44 hours: string;45 link: string;46 keywords: string;47}4849// object for mapping careers onto the page. Extra objects have been added to make a more powerful search50const careersData: ICareers[] = [51 {52 position: "Front-end Developer",53 location: { country: "Virtual", state: "NA", city: "Online" },54 hours: "Full-time",55 link: "#",56 keywords: "web developer javascript css",57 },58 {59 position: "UI/UX Designer",60 location: { country: "Canada", state: "Quebec", city: "Montreal" },61 hours: "Full-time",62 link: "#",63 keywords: "sketch adobe xd user interface",64 },65 {66 position: "Product Designer",67 location: {68 country: "United States",69 state: "California",70 city: "San Francisco",71 },72 hours: "Part-time",73 link: "#",74 keywords: "design thinking user research wireframing",75 },76 {77 position: "Project Manager",78 location: {79 country: "United States",80 state: "Florida",81 city: "Miami",82 },83 hours: "Full-time",84 link: "#",85 keywords: "agile team leadership communication",86 },87 {88 position: "Back-end Developer",89 location: { country: "Virtual", state: "NA", city: "Online" },90 hours: "Part-time",91 link: "#",92 keywords: "python java database",93 },94 {95 position: "UI/UX Designer",96 location: {97 country: "Canada",98 state: "Alberta",99 city: "Calgary",100 },101 hours: "Full-time",102 link: "#",103 keywords: "user experience prototyping design system",104 },105 {106 position: "Front-end Developer",107 location: { country: "Virtual", state: "NA", city: "Online" },108 hours: "Full-time",109 link: "#",110 keywords: "web developer javascript css",111 },112 {113 position: "UI/UX Designer",114 location: { country: "Canada", state: "Quebec", city: "Montreal" },115 hours: "Full-time",116 link: "#",117 keywords: "sketch adobe xd user interface",118 },119 {120 position: "Product Designer",121 location: {122 country: "United States",123 state: "California",124 city: "San Francisco",125 },126 hours: "Part-time",127 link: "#",128 keywords: "design thinking user research wireframing",129 },130 {131 position: "Project Manager",132 location: {133 country: "United States",134 state: "Florida",135 city: "Miami",136 },137 hours: "Full-time",138 link: "#",139 keywords: "agile team leadership communication",140 },141 {142 position: "Back-end Developer",143 location: { country: "Virtual", state: "NA", city: "Online" },144 hours: "Part-time",145 link: "#",146 keywords: "python java database",147 },148 {149 position: "UI/UX Designer",150 location: {151 country: "Canada",152 state: "Alberta",153 city: "Calgary",154 },155 hours: "Full-time",156 link: "#",157 keywords: "user experience prototyping design system",158 },159];160161const SearchIcon = ({ className }) => {162 return (163 <svg164 xmlns=""165 viewBox="0 0 24 24"166 className={className}167 >168 <path169 fillRule="evenodd"170 d="M10.5 3.75a6.75 6.75 0 100 13.5 6.75 6.75 0 000-13.5zM2.25 10.5a8.25 8.25 0 1114.59 5.28l4.69 4.69a.75.75 0 11-1.06 1.06l-4.69-4.69A8.25 8.25 0 012.25 10.5z"171 clipRule="evenodd"172 />173 </svg>174 );175};176177const ChevronIcon = ({ className }) => {178 return (179 <svg180 xmlns=""181 viewBox="0 0 24 24"182 className={className}183 >184 <path185 fillRule="evenodd"186 d="M12.53 16.28a.75.75 0 01-1.06 0l-7.5-7.5a.75.75 0 011.06-1.06L12 14.69l6.97-6.97a.75.75 0 111.06 1.06l-7.5 7.5z"187 clipRule="evenodd"188 />189 </svg>190 );191};192193const ToggleButtons = ({ set, val, title, current }) => {194 return (195 <button196 onClick={() => set(!val)}197 className={198 val199 ? "flex w-full flex-nowrap justify-between rounded-lg border border-slate-200 bg-slate-100 p-3 duration-150"200 : "flex w-full flex-nowrap justify-between rounded-lg border border-slate-200 p-3 duration-150 hover:bg-slate-100"201 }202 >203 <span className="font-medium text-slate-500">204 {current.length <= 0 ? title : current}205 </span>206 <ChevronIcon207 className={208 val209 ? "h-6 w-6 rotate-0 fill-slate-500 duration-150"210 : " h-6 w-6 rotate-180 fill-slate-500 duration-150"211 }212 />213 </button>214 );215};216217const SearchInput = ({ set, val }) => {218 return (219 <div className="relative flex h-fit flex-nowrap gap-3">220 <input221 onChange={(e) => {222 set(;223 }}224 value={val}225 type="text"226 className="w-full grow cursor-text self-stretch rounded-lg border border-slate-200 bg-transparent p-3 pl-10 font-medium text-slate-700 placeholder:font-medium placeholder:text-slate-500 focus:border-slate-200 focus:bg-slate-100 focus:outline-0 focus:ring-0 md:w-min"227 placeholder="Search..."228 ></input>229 <SearchIcon230 className={231 " absolute h-6 w-6 translate-x-3 translate-y-[14px] fill-slate-500 "232 }233 />234 </div>235 );236};237238const FilterModal = ({ data, set, val, close }) => {239 // remove duplicates from the array240 const unique = [ Set(data)];241242 return (243 <div className="absolute inset-0 flex h-[175px] translate-y-[60px] flex-col gap-1 overflow-y-scroll rounded-lg border border-slate-200 bg-slate-50 p-3 shadow-md ">244 {/* a button for resetting the filters */}245 <button246 onClick={() => {247 set(""), close(false);248 }}249 className="rounded-md p-2 text-left hover:bg-slate-200"250 >251 Clear Filters252 </button>253 {/* buttons for each unique value in the data */}254 { string) => {255 return (256 <button257 onClick={() => {258 set(element), close(false);259 }}260 className={261 val !== element262 ? "rounded-md p-2 text-left hover:bg-slate-200"263 : "rounded-md bg-slate-200 p-2 text-left"264 }265 >266 {element}267 </button>268 );269 })}270 </div>271 );272};273274// Custom filtering hook for the careers275const useCareerFilters = (276 data: ICareers[],277 search: string,278 location: string,279 hours: string280) => {281 // using a init to manipulate & then set a state that react can detect282 const init = careersData;283 const [filteredData, setFilteredData] = useState(data);284285 useEffect(() => {286 // if the search input has text in it, filter based on all of the values287 if (search.length !== 0) {288 setFilteredData(289 init.filter(290 (item) =>291 item.location.city292 .toLocaleLowerCase()293 .includes(search.toLowerCase()) ||294 item.location.state295 .toLocaleLowerCase()296 .includes(search.toLowerCase()) ||297 item.location.country298 .toLocaleLowerCase()299 .includes(search.toLowerCase()) ||300 item.position.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase()) ||301 item.hours.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase()) ||302 item.keywords.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase())303 )304 );305306 // filter just locations if a location is selected but hours are not307 } else if (location.length >= 1 && hours.length <= 1) {308 setFilteredData(init.filter((item) => === location));309 // filter just hours if an hour is selected but a location is not310 } else if (hours.length >= 1 && location.length <= 1) {311 setFilteredData(init.filter((item) => item.hours === hours));312313 // if both are selected, filter if thee selected value is included in both314 } else if (location.length >= 1 && hours.length >= 1) {315 setFilteredData(316 init.filter(317 (item) => item.hours === hours && === location318 )319 );320 // if nothing is selected, reset the state back to init321 } else {322 setFilteredData(init);323 }324 }, [search, location, hours]);325326 return filteredData;327};328329export function Careers1() {330 // states for storing the selected filters331 const [search, setSearch] = useState("");332 const [location, setLocation] = useState("");333 const [hours, setHours] = useState("");334335 // states for toggling the custom dropdown336 const [toggleLocation, setToggleLocation] = useState(false);337 const [toggleHours, setToggleHours] = useState(false);338339 const data = useCareerFilters(careersData, search, location, hours);340341 return (342 <div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-md px-8 py-12 sm:max-w-xl md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-5xl xl:max-w-[1440px]">343 <div className="mx-auto flex w-full flex-col gap-y-12">344 <div className="mx-auto flex w-full max-w-6xl flex-col gap-5">345 <div className="mx-auto mb-4 max-w-3xl">346 <h2 className="mb-2 text-center text-4xl font-bold text-slate-900">347 Join Our Team and Thrive348 </h2>349 <p className="w-full text-center text-lg text-slate-700">350 Our fundamental principle is to bring together a diverse group of351 passionate individuals and foster a culture that empowers you to352 unleash your full potential and thrive in your endeavors.353 </p>354 </div>355 <div className="mx-auto grid w-full grid-cols-1 gap-2 max-lg:max-w-sm lg:grid-cols-3 lg:gap-5">356 <SearchInput set={setSearch} val={search} />357 <div className="relative w-full">358 <ToggleButtons359 set={setToggleLocation}360 val={toggleLocation}361 title={"Location"}362 current={location}363 />364 {toggleLocation ? (365 <FilterModal366 set={setLocation}367 close={setToggleLocation}368 val={location}369 // extract just the locations from the careers data370 data={ =>}371 />372 ) : (373 <></>374 )}375 </div>376 <div className="relative w-full">377 <ToggleButtons378 set={setToggleHours}379 val={toggleHours}380 title={"Hours"}381 current={hours}382 />383 {toggleHours ? (384 <FilterModal385 set={setHours}386 val={hours}387 close={setToggleHours}388 // extract just the hours from the careers data389 data={ => a.hours)}390 />391 ) : (392 <></>393 )}394 </div>395 </div>396 </div>397398 {data.length >= 1 ? (399 <div className="w-full">400 <div>401 { (403 { position, location, hours, link, keywords },404 index: number405 ) => {406 return (407 <div408 key={index}409 className="flex w-full justify-between gap-y-8 rounded-xl p-6 odd:bg-slate-100 max-sm:flex-col sm:items-center"410 >411 <div className="flex gap-y-4 max-lg:flex-col lg:mr-8 lg:w-full lg:justify-between">412 <div className="text-xl font-semibold text-slate-700">413 {position}414 </div>415 <div className="flex items-center gap-4">416 <div className="flex flex-nowrap gap-2 truncate text-slate-500">417 <LocationIcon className="h-6 w-6 fill-slate-500" />418 {}419 </div>420 <div className="flex flex-nowrap gap-2 truncate text-slate-500">421 <ClockIcon className="h-6 w-6 fill-slate-500" />422 {hours}423 </div>424 </div>425 </div>426 <div className="flex w-fit justify-center">427 <Link428 className="truncate rounded-lg bg-sky-600 px-6 py-3 font-medium text-slate-50 duration-150 hover:bg-sky-700"429 href={link}430 >431 View Job432 </Link>433 </div>434 </div>435 );436 }437 )}438 </div>439 </div>440 ) : (441 <div className="flex w-full flex-wrap justify-center gap-5">442 <h3 className="text-center text-5xl font-bold text-slate-900">443 Oops, no jobs available for that!444 </h3>445 <p className="w-full text-center text-lg text-slate-700">446 Sorry, we're not looking for that right now. Check back soon!{" "}447 </p>448 <button449 onClick={() => {450 setSearch(""), setLocation(""), setHours("");451 }}452 className="hover:bg-sky-700Hover rounded-lg bg-sky-700 px-6 py-3 font-medium text-slate-50 duration-150 "453 >454 Clear Filters455 </button>456 </div>457 )}458 </div>459 </div>460 );461}462
Join Our Team and Thrive
Our fundamental principle is to bring together a diverse group of passionate individuals and foster a culture that empowers you to unleash your full potential and thrive in your endeavors.
Two-column card layout
0import React from "react";1import Link from "next/link";23const MapPinIcon = ({ className }) => {4 return (5 <svg6 xmlns=""7 viewBox="0 0 24 24"8 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"9 className={className}10 >11 <path12 fillRule="evenodd"13 clipRule="evenodd"14 d="M11.5397 22.351C11.57 22.3685 11.5937 22.3821 11.6105 22.3915L11.6384 22.4071C11.8613 22.5294 12.1378 22.5285 12.3608 22.4075L12.3895 22.3915C12.4063 22.3821 12.43 22.3685 12.4603 22.351C12.5207 22.316 12.607 22.265 12.7155 22.1982C12.9325 22.0646 13.2388 21.8676 13.6046 21.6091C14.3351 21.0931 15.3097 20.3274 16.2865 19.3273C18.2307 17.3368 20.25 14.3462 20.25 10.5C20.25 5.94365 16.5563 2.25 12 2.25C7.44365 2.25 3.75 5.94365 3.75 10.5C3.75 14.3462 5.76932 17.3368 7.71346 19.3273C8.69025 20.3274 9.66491 21.0931 10.3954 21.6091C10.7612 21.8676 11.0675 22.0646 11.2845 22.1982C11.393 22.265 11.4793 22.316 11.5397 22.351ZM12 13.5C13.6569 13.5 15 12.1569 15 10.5C15 8.84315 13.6569 7.5 12 7.5C10.3431 7.5 9 8.84315 9 10.5C9 12.1569 10.3431 13.5 12 13.5Z"15 />16 </svg>17 );18};1920const ClockIcon = ({ className }) => {21 return (22 <svg23 xmlns=""24 viewBox="0 0 24 24"25 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"26 className={className}27 >28 <path29 fillRule="evenodd"30 clipRule="evenodd"31 d="M12 2.25C6.61522 2.25 2.25 6.61522 2.25 12C2.25 17.3848 6.61522 21.75 12 21.75C17.3848 21.75 21.75 17.3848 21.75 12C21.75 6.61522 17.3848 2.25 12 2.25ZM12.75 6C12.75 5.58579 12.4142 5.25 12 5.25C11.5858 5.25 11.25 5.58579 11.25 6V12C11.25 12.4142 11.5858 12.75 12 12.75H16.5C16.9142 12.75 17.25 12.4142 17.25 12C17.25 11.5858 16.9142 11.25 16.5 11.25H12.75V6Z"32 />33 </svg>34 );35};3637const data = {38 subHeading: "Igniting Creativity",39 title: "Join Our Team",40 paragraph:41 "Our philosophy is simple — hire a team of diverse, passionate people and foster a culture that empowers you to do you best work.",42 items: [43 {44 position: "Front-end Developer",45 description:46 "We’re seeking a talented Front-end Developer with 3+ years of experience in React and JavaScript to help build and maintain our web applications.",47 location: "Remote",48 jobType: "Full-time",49 link: "#",50 },51 {52 position: "UI/UX Designer",53 description:54 "We're looking for a creative UI/UX Designer with 5+ years of experience to design and improve user interfaces for our software products.",55 location: "Remote",56 jobType: "Part-time",57 link: "#",58 },59 {60 position: "Product Manager",61 description:62 "We're seeking a results-driven Product Manager with 7+ years of experience to oversee the development and launch of new software products.",63 location: "Montreal",64 jobType: "Full-time",65 link: "#",66 },67 {68 position: "QA Engineer",69 description:70 "We're looking for a meticulous QA Engineer with 2+ years of experience to ensure the quality of our software products through manual and automated testing.",71 location: "San Francisco",72 jobType: "Full-time",73 link: "#",74 },75 {76 position: "Back-end Developer",77 description:78 "We're seeking a skilled Back-end Developer with 4+ years of experience in Java and SQL to design and implement scalable APIs and data models.",79 location: "Miami",80 jobType: "Full-time",81 link: "#",82 },83 {84 position: "DevOps Engineer",85 description:86 "We're looking for a DevOps Engineer with 5+ years of experience in AWS and Kubernetes to manage and optimize our cloud infrastructure.",87 location: "Remote",88 jobType: "Part-time",89 link: "#",90 },91 ],92};9394export function Careers2() {95 return (96 <div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-md px-8 py-12 sm:max-w-xl md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-5xl xl:max-w-7xl">97 <div className="mb-12 max-w-3xl">98 <p className="mb-1 truncate text-lg font-semibold capitalize text-sky-600">99 {data.subHeading}100 </p>101 <h2 className="mb-4 text-4xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance]">102 {data.title}103 </h2>104 <p className="text-lg text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">105 {data.paragraph}106 </p>107 </div>108 <div className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-8 lg:grid-cols-2">109 { (111 { position, description, location, jobType, link },112 index: number113 ) => {114 return (115 <Link116 key={index}117 href={link}118 className="flex w-full flex-col justify-between gap-y-6 rounded-3xl border border-slate-200 bg-white p-8 ring-4 ring-slate-50 duration-300 hover:border-sky-200 hover:ring-sky-100"119 >120 <div className="min-w-0">121 <p className="mb-1 line-clamp-2 text-xl font-bold text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance] first-letter:uppercase">122 {position}123 </p>124 <p className="line-clamp-3 text-base text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">125 {description}126 </p>127 </div>128 <div className="flex gap-x-5 gap-y-3 max-lg:flex-wrap">129 <div className="flex min-w-0 gap-x-2">130 <MapPinIcon className="h-5 w-5 shrink-0 fill-sky-600" />131 <p className="truncate text-sm font-semibold text-slate-600">132 {location}133 </p>134 </div>135 <div className="flex min-w-0 gap-x-2">136 <ClockIcon className="h-5 w-5 shrink-0 fill-sky-600" />137 <p className="truncate text-sm font-semibold text-slate-600">138 {jobType}139 </p>140 </div>141 </div>142 </Link>143 );144 }145 )}146 </div>147 </div>148 );149}150
Igniting Creativity
Join Our Team
Our philosophy is simple — hire a team of diverse, passionate people and foster a culture that empowers you to do you best work.
Front-end Developer
We’re seeking a talented Front-end Developer with 3+ years of experience in React and JavaScript to help build and maintain our web applications.
UI/UX Designer
We're looking for a creative UI/UX Designer with 5+ years of experience to design and improve user interfaces for our software products.
Product Manager
We're seeking a results-driven Product Manager with 7+ years of experience to oversee the development and launch of new software products.
QA Engineer
We're looking for a meticulous QA Engineer with 2+ years of experience to ensure the quality of our software products through manual and automated testing.
San Francisco
Back-end Developer
We're seeking a skilled Back-end Developer with 4+ years of experience in Java and SQL to design and implement scalable APIs and data models.
DevOps Engineer
We're looking for a DevOps Engineer with 5+ years of experience in AWS and Kubernetes to manage and optimize our cloud infrastructure.
Single-column with image
0import React from "react";1import Link from "next/link";23const ClockIcon = ({ className }) => {4 return (5 <svg6 xmlns=""7 viewBox="0 0 24 24"8 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"9 className={className}10 >11 <path12 fillRule="evenodd"13 clipRule="evenodd"14 d="M12 2.25C6.61522 2.25 2.25 6.61522 2.25 12C2.25 17.3848 6.61522 21.75 12 21.75C17.3848 21.75 21.75 17.3848 21.75 12C21.75 6.61522 17.3848 2.25 12 2.25ZM12.75 6C12.75 5.58579 12.4142 5.25 12 5.25C11.5858 5.25 11.25 5.58579 11.25 6V12C11.25 12.4142 11.5858 12.75 12 12.75H16.5C16.9142 12.75 17.25 12.4142 17.25 12C17.25 11.5858 16.9142 11.25 16.5 11.25H12.75V6Z"15 />16 </svg>17 );18};1920const CurrencyDollarIcon = ({ className }) => (21 <svg22 className={className}23 aria-hidden="true"24 viewBox="0 0 24 24"25 xmlns=""26 >27 <path d="M10.4636 8.74626C10.6908 8.56577 10.9607 8.43451 11.25 8.35249V11.1474C10.9552 11.0637 10.686 10.9304 10.4636 10.7537C10.0699 10.441 9.91752 10.073 9.91752 9.75C9.91752 9.42705 10.0699 9.05904 10.4636 8.74626Z" />28 <path d="M12.75 15.6616V12.8383C13.0972 12.9228 13.4138 13.0658 13.6713 13.259C14.0978 13.5788 14.25 13.9448 14.25 14.25C14.25 14.5551 14.0978 14.9211 13.6713 15.241C13.4138 15.4342 13.0972 15.5772 12.75 15.6616Z" />29 <path30 fillRule="evenodd"31 clipRule="evenodd"32 d="M12 2.25C6.61522 2.25 2.25 6.61522 2.25 12C2.25 17.3848 6.61522 21.75 12 21.75C17.3848 21.75 21.75 17.3848 21.75 12C21.75 6.61522 17.3848 2.25 12 2.25ZM12.75 6C12.75 5.58579 12.4142 5.25 12 5.25C11.5858 5.25 11.25 5.58579 11.25 6V6.81563C10.6231 6.92669 10.0253 7.17873 9.53058 7.57176C8.81822 8.13765 8.41752 8.9213 8.41752 9.75C8.41752 10.5787 8.81822 11.3623 9.53058 11.9282C10.033 12.3274 10.6327 12.575 11.25 12.6843V15.6616C10.9028 15.5771 10.5864 15.4341 10.3289 15.241L9.45001 14.5818C9.11865 14.3333 8.64854 14.4004 8.40001 14.7318C8.15147 15.0631 8.21862 15.5332 8.54999 15.7818L9.42886 16.441C9.96206 16.8409 10.5979 17.0856 11.25 17.1903V18C11.25 18.4142 11.5858 18.75 12 18.75C12.4142 18.75 12.75 18.4142 12.75 18V17.1904C13.4021 17.0856 14.0381 16.8409 14.5714 16.441C15.3164 15.8821 15.75 15.0965 15.75 14.25C15.75 13.4034 15.3164 12.6178 14.5714 12.059C14.0381 11.659 13.4021 11.4143 12.75 11.3096V8.35257C13.0392 8.4346 13.309 8.56583 13.5361 8.74626L13.951 9.07585C14.2753 9.3335 14.7471 9.27944 15.0048 8.95511C15.2624 8.63078 15.2084 8.15899 14.884 7.90135L14.4691 7.57176C13.9745 7.17879 13.3768 6.92677 12.75 6.81567V6Z"33 />34 </svg>35);3637const data = {38 subHeading: "Fueling Innovation",39 title: "Join Our Dynamic Team",40 paragraph:41 "At the heart of our success lies a group of individuals who are diverse in their backgrounds but unified in their passion. We believe in creating an environment where you're not just working — you're thriving.",42 image: {43 src: "",44 alt: "",45 },46 items: [47 {48 category: "Marketing",49 positions: [50 {51 position: "Digital Marketing Manager",52 description:53 "We're looking for a skilled Digital Marketing Manager with 5+ years of experience to help develop and implement marketing campaigns",54 location: { city: "Toronto", country: "CA" },55 jobType: "Full-time",56 salary: "$90,000 - $110,000",57 link: "#",58 },59 {60 position: "Social Media Coordinator",61 description:62 "We're looking for a creative and detail-oriented Social Media Coordinator with 2+ years of experience to manage social media platforms",63 location: { city: "Los Angeles", country: "US" },64 jobType: "Full-time",65 salary: "$50,000 - $60,000",66 link: "#",67 },68 ],69 },70 {71 category: "Sales",72 positions: [73 {74 position: "Account Executive",75 description:76 "We're looking for an experienced Account Executive to develop and maintain customer relationships",77 location: { city: "London", country: "GB" },78 jobType: "Full-time",79 salary: "$80,000 - $100,000",80 link: "#",81 },82 {83 position: "Sales Associate",84 description:85 "We're looking for a motivated and enthusiastic Sales Associate to provide excellent customer service",86 location: { city: "Sydney", country: "AU" },87 jobType: "Part-time",88 salary: "$20,000 - $30,000",89 link: "#",90 },91 {92 position: "Business Development Manager",93 description:94 "We're seeking a results-driven Business Development Manager with 7+ years of experience to identify and develop new business opportunities",95 location: { city: "New York", country: "US" },96 jobType: "Full-time",97 salary: "$120,000 - $140,000",98 link: "#",99 },100 ],101 },102 {103 category: "Engineering",104 positions: [105 {106 position: "Software Engineer",107 description:108 "We're looking for a talented Software Engineer to design and develop software solutions",109 location: { city: "Berlin", country: "DE" },110 jobType: "Full-time",111 salary: "$100,000 - $120,000",112 link: "#",113 },114 {115 position: "DevOps Engineer",116 description:117 "We're seeking a DevOps Engineer with strong automation skills to manage our infrastructure",118 location: { city: "San Francisco", country: "US" },119 jobType: "Full-time",120 salary: "$140,000 - $160,000",121 link: "#",122 },123 {124 position: "Front-end Developer",125 description:126 "We're looking for a skilled Front-end Developer to develop and maintain web applications",127 location: { city: "Vancouver", country: "CA" },128 jobType: "Full-time",129 salary: "$80,000 - $100,000",130 link: "#",131 },132 ],133 },134 ],135};136137export function Careers3() {138 return (139 <div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-md px-8 py-12 sm:max-w-xl md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-5xl xl:max-w-7xl">140 <div className="mx-auto mb-12 max-w-3xl text-center">141 <p className="mb-1 truncate text-lg font-semibold capitalize text-sky-600">142 {data.subHeading}143 </p>144 <h2 className="mb-4 text-4xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance]">145 {data.title}146 </h2>147 <p className="text-lg text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">148 {data.paragraph}149 </p>150 </div>151 <div className="mx-auto max-w-4xl">152 <div className="mb-12 h-96 w-full overflow-hidden rounded-3xl">153 <img154 src={data.image.src}155 alt={data.image.alt}156 onError={(e) => {157 const image = as HTMLImageElement;158 image.src = "onerrorimg";159 }}160 className="h-full w-full object-cover"161 />162 </div>163 <div className="space-y-12">164 {{ category, positions }, index: number) => {165 return (166 <div key={index}>167 <p className="mb-8 text-xl font-semibold text-slate-900">168 {category}169 </p>170 <div className="space-y-8">171 { (173 {174 position,175 description,176 location,177 jobType,178 salary,179 link,180 },181 Index2: number182 ) => {183 return (184 <Link185 key={Index2}186 href={link}187 className="flex flex-col gap-y-6 rounded-3xl border border-slate-200 bg-white p-8 ring-4 ring-slate-50 duration-300 hover:border-sky-200 hover:ring-sky-100"188 >189 <div className="min-w-0">190 <div className="mb-2 flex flex-wrap items-center gap-4">191 <p className="text-xl font-bold text-slate-900 first-letter:uppercase max-md:w-full md:truncate">192 {position}193 </p>194 <div className="flex grow flex-wrap items-center justify-between gap-x-8 gap-y-3">195 <p className="h-fit w-fit rounded-full bg-sky-100 px-2 py-1 text-xs font-semibold text-sky-600">196 {category}197 </p>198 <p className="h-fit w-fit rounded-full bg-slate-100 px-2 py-1 text-xs font-semibold text-slate-600">199 {}, {}200 </p>201 </div>202 </div>203 <p className="text-base text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">204 {description}205 </p>206 </div>207 <div className="flex gap-x-5 gap-y-3 max-lg:flex-wrap">208 <div className="flex min-w-0 gap-x-2">209 <ClockIcon className="h-5 w-5 shrink-0 fill-sky-600" />210 <p className="truncate text-sm font-semibold text-slate-600">211 {jobType}212 </p>213 </div>214 <div className="flex min-w-0 gap-x-2">215 <CurrencyDollarIcon className="h-5 w-5 shrink-0 fill-sky-600" />216 <p className="truncate text-sm font-semibold text-slate-600">217 {salary}218 </p>219 </div>220 </div>221 </Link>222 );223 }224 )}225 </div>226 </div>227 );228 })}229 </div>230 </div>231 </div>232 );233}234
Fueling Innovation
Join Our Dynamic Team
At the heart of our success lies a group of individuals who are diverse in their backgrounds but unified in their passion. We believe in creating an environment where you're not just working — you're thriving.
Digital Marketing Manager
CA, Toronto
We're looking for a skilled Digital Marketing Manager with 5+ years of experience to help develop and implement marketing campaigns
$90,000 - $110,000
Social Media Coordinator
US, Los Angeles
We're looking for a creative and detail-oriented Social Media Coordinator with 2+ years of experience to manage social media platforms
$50,000 - $60,000
Account Executive
GB, London
We're looking for an experienced Account Executive to develop and maintain customer relationships
$80,000 - $100,000
Sales Associate
AU, Sydney
We're looking for a motivated and enthusiastic Sales Associate to provide excellent customer service
$20,000 - $30,000
Business Development Manager
US, New York
We're seeking a results-driven Business Development Manager with 7+ years of experience to identify and develop new business opportunities
$120,000 - $140,000
Software Engineer
DE, Berlin
We're looking for a talented Software Engineer to design and develop software solutions
$100,000 - $120,000
DevOps Engineer
US, San Francisco
We're seeking a DevOps Engineer with strong automation skills to manage our infrastructure
$140,000 - $160,000
Front-end Developer
CA, Vancouver
We're looking for a skilled Front-end Developer to develop and maintain web applications
$80,000 - $100,000
Single-column simple cards
0import React from "react";1import Link from "next/link";23const ChevronRightIcon = ({ className }) => {4 return (5 <svg6 xmlns=""7 viewBox="0 0 24 24"8 className={className}9 >10 <path d="M11.1678 4.38686C10.8468 4.08275 10.4379 3.87566 9.99274 3.79177C9.54759 3.70788 9.0862 3.75095 8.66688 3.91555C8.24756 4.08015 7.88915 4.35887 7.63695 4.71649C7.38476 5.07412 7.2501 5.49458 7.25 5.92472V18.0753C7.2501 18.5054 7.38476 18.9259 7.63695 19.2835C7.88915 19.6411 8.24756 19.9199 8.66688 20.0844C9.0862 20.249 9.54759 20.2921 9.99274 20.2082C10.4379 20.1243 10.8468 19.9172 11.1678 19.6131L17.578 13.5379C18.0083 13.1299 18.25 12.5768 18.25 12C18.25 11.4232 18.0083 10.8701 17.578 10.4621L11.1678 4.38686Z" />11 </svg>12 );13};1415const data = {16 subHeading: "Fueling Innovation",17 title: "Join Our Team of Trailblazers",18 paragraph:19 "At our core, we believe in assembling a team of trailblazers from diverse backgrounds and nurturing a culture that empowers you to unleash your creativity and make a remarkable impact.",20 items: [21 {22 position: "Front-end Developer",23 button: { label: "View job", link: "#" },24 },25 {26 position: "UI/UX Designer",27 button: { label: "View job", link: "#" },28 },29 {30 position: "Product Designer",31 button: { label: "View job", link: "#" },32 },33 {34 position: "Project Manager",35 button: { label: "View job", link: "#" },36 },37 {38 position: "Back-end Developer",39 button: { label: "View job", link: "#" },40 },41 ],42};4344export function Careers4() {45 return (46 <div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-md px-8 py-12 sm:max-w-xl md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-5xl xl:max-w-7xl">47 <div className="mx-auto mb-12 max-w-3xl text-center">48 <p className="mb-1 truncate text-lg font-semibold capitalize text-sky-600">49 {data.subHeading}50 </p>51 <h2 className="mb-4 text-4xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance]">52 {data.title}53 </h2>54 <p className="text-lg text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">55 {data.paragraph}56 </p>57 </div>58 <div className="mx-auto max-w-4xl space-y-8 max-md:mx-auto max-md:w-fit">59 {{ position, button }, index: number) => {60 return (61 <div62 key={index}63 className="flex justify-between gap-x-12 rounded-2xl border border-slate-200 bg-white p-8 py-10 ring-4 ring-slate-50"64 >65 <Link66 href={}67 className="text-xl font-bold text-slate-900 duration-150 first-letter:uppercase hover:text-sky-700"68 >69 {position}70 </Link>71 <Link72 href={}73 className="group inline-flex items-center gap-x-0.5 whitespace-nowrap text-base font-semibold text-sky-600 duration-150 hover:text-sky-700"74 >75 {button.label}76 <ChevronRightIcon className="mt-0.5 h-4 w-4 fill-sky-600 duration-150 group-hover:fill-sky-700" />77 </Link>78 </div>79 );80 })}81 </div>82 </div>83 );84}85
Fueling Innovation
Join Our Team of Trailblazers
At our core, we believe in assembling a team of trailblazers from diverse backgrounds and nurturing a culture that empowers you to unleash your creativity and make a remarkable impact.
Split category layout
0import React from "react";1import Link from "next/link";23const ClockIcon = ({ className }) => {4 return (5 <svg6 xmlns=""7 viewBox="0 0 24 24"8 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"9 className={className}10 >11 <path12 fillRule="evenodd"13 clipRule="evenodd"14 d="M12 2.25C6.61522 2.25 2.25 6.61522 2.25 12C2.25 17.3848 6.61522 21.75 12 21.75C17.3848 21.75 21.75 17.3848 21.75 12C21.75 6.61522 17.3848 2.25 12 2.25ZM12.75 6C12.75 5.58579 12.4142 5.25 12 5.25C11.5858 5.25 11.25 5.58579 11.25 6V12C11.25 12.4142 11.5858 12.75 12 12.75H16.5C16.9142 12.75 17.25 12.4142 17.25 12C17.25 11.5858 16.9142 11.25 16.5 11.25H12.75V6Z"15 />16 </svg>17 );18};1920const CurrencyDollarIcon = ({ className }) => (21 <svg22 className={className}23 aria-hidden="true"24 viewBox="0 0 24 24"25 xmlns=""26 >27 <path d="M10.4636 8.74626C10.6908 8.56577 10.9607 8.43451 11.25 8.35249V11.1474C10.9552 11.0637 10.686 10.9304 10.4636 10.7537C10.0699 10.441 9.91752 10.073 9.91752 9.75C9.91752 9.42705 10.0699 9.05904 10.4636 8.74626Z" />28 <path d="M12.75 15.6616V12.8383C13.0972 12.9228 13.4138 13.0658 13.6713 13.259C14.0978 13.5788 14.25 13.9448 14.25 14.25C14.25 14.5551 14.0978 14.9211 13.6713 15.241C13.4138 15.4342 13.0972 15.5772 12.75 15.6616Z" />29 <path30 fillRule="evenodd"31 clipRule="evenodd"32 d="M12 2.25C6.61522 2.25 2.25 6.61522 2.25 12C2.25 17.3848 6.61522 21.75 12 21.75C17.3848 21.75 21.75 17.3848 21.75 12C21.75 6.61522 17.3848 2.25 12 2.25ZM12.75 6C12.75 5.58579 12.4142 5.25 12 5.25C11.5858 5.25 11.25 5.58579 11.25 6V6.81563C10.6231 6.92669 10.0253 7.17873 9.53058 7.57176C8.81822 8.13765 8.41752 8.9213 8.41752 9.75C8.41752 10.5787 8.81822 11.3623 9.53058 11.9282C10.033 12.3274 10.6327 12.575 11.25 12.6843V15.6616C10.9028 15.5771 10.5864 15.4341 10.3289 15.241L9.45001 14.5818C9.11865 14.3333 8.64854 14.4004 8.40001 14.7318C8.15147 15.0631 8.21862 15.5332 8.54999 15.7818L9.42886 16.441C9.96206 16.8409 10.5979 17.0856 11.25 17.1903V18C11.25 18.4142 11.5858 18.75 12 18.75C12.4142 18.75 12.75 18.4142 12.75 18V17.1904C13.4021 17.0856 14.0381 16.8409 14.5714 16.441C15.3164 15.8821 15.75 15.0965 15.75 14.25C15.75 13.4034 15.3164 12.6178 14.5714 12.059C14.0381 11.659 13.4021 11.4143 12.75 11.3096V8.35257C13.0392 8.4346 13.309 8.56583 13.5361 8.74626L13.951 9.07585C14.2753 9.3335 14.7471 9.27944 15.0048 8.95511C15.2624 8.63078 15.2084 8.15899 14.884 7.90135L14.4691 7.57176C13.9745 7.17879 13.3768 6.92677 12.75 6.81567V6Z"33 />34 </svg>35);3637const data = {38 subHeading: "Fueling Innovation",39 title: "Join Our Dynamic Team",40 paragraph:41 "At the heart of our success lies a group of individuals who are diverse in their backgrounds but unified in their passion. We believe in creating an environment where you're not just working — you're thriving.",42 image: {43 src: "",44 alt: "",45 },46 items: [47 {48 category: "Marketing",49 categoryDescription: "Open positions on our marketing team",50 positions: [51 {52 position: "Digital Marketing Manager",53 description:54 "We're looking for a skilled Digital Marketing Manager with 5+ years of experience to help develop and implement marketing campaigns",55 location: { city: "Toronto", country: "CA" },56 jobType: "Full-time",57 salary: "$90,000 - $110,000",58 link: "#",59 },60 {61 position: "Social Media Coordinator",62 description:63 "We're looking for a creative and detail-oriented Social Media Coordinator with 2+ years of experience to manage social media platforms",64 location: { city: "Los Angeles", country: "US" },65 jobType: "Full-time",66 salary: "$50,000 - $60,000",67 link: "#",68 },69 ],70 },71 {72 category: "Sales",73 categoryDescription: "Open positions on our sales team",74 positions: [75 {76 position: "Account Executive",77 description:78 "We're looking for an experienced Account Executive to develop and maintain customer relationships",79 location: { city: "London", country: "GB" },80 jobType: "Full-time",81 salary: "$80,000 - $100,000",82 link: "#",83 },84 {85 position: "Sales Associate",86 description:87 "We're looking for a motivated and enthusiastic Sales Associate to provide excellent customer service",88 location: { city: "Sydney", country: "AU" },89 jobType: "Part-time",90 salary: "$20,000 - $30,000",91 link: "#",92 },93 {94 position: "Business Development Manager",95 description:96 "We're seeking a results-driven Business Development Manager with 7+ years of experience to identify and develop new business opportunities",97 location: { city: "New York", country: "US" },98 jobType: "Full-time",99 salary: "$120,000 - $140,000",100 link: "#",101 },102 ],103 },104 {105 category: "Engineering",106 categoryDescription: "Open positions on our engineering team",107 positions: [108 {109 position: "Software Engineer",110 description:111 "We're looking for a talented Software Engineer to design and develop software solutions",112 location: { city: "Berlin", country: "DE" },113 jobType: "Full-time",114 salary: "$100,000 - $120,000",115 link: "#",116 },117 ],118 },119 ],120};121122export function Careers5() {123 return (124 <div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-md px-8 py-12 sm:max-w-xl md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-5xl xl:max-w-7xl">125 <div className="mb-10 border-b border-slate-200 pb-8">126 <div className="max-w-3xl">127 <p className="mb-1 truncate text-lg font-semibold capitalize text-sky-600">128 {data.subHeading}129 </p>130 <h2 className="mb-4 text-4xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance]">131 {data.title}132 </h2>133 <p className="text-lg text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">134 {data.paragraph}135 </p>136 </div>137 </div>138 <div className="divide-y divide-slate-200">139 { ({ category, categoryDescription, positions }, index: number) => {141 return (142 <div143 key={index}144 className="flex gap-x-20 gap-y-8 py-12 first:pt-0 last:pb-0 max-lg:flex-col"145 >146 <div className="w-full max-w-3xl lg:max-xl:max-w-xs xl:max-w-md">147 <p className="mb-1 text-xl font-bold text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance] first-letter:uppercase">148 {category}149 </p>150 <p className="text-base text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">151 {categoryDescription}152 </p>153 </div>154 <div className="space-y-8">155 { (157 {158 position,159 description,160 location,161 jobType,162 salary,163 link,164 },165 Index2: number166 ) => {167 return (168 <Link169 key={Index2}170 href={link}171 className="flex flex-col gap-y-6 rounded-3xl border border-slate-200 bg-white p-8 ring-sky-100 duration-300 hover:border-sky-200 hover:ring-4"172 >173 <div className="min-w-0">174 <div className="mb-2 flex flex-wrap items-center gap-4">175 <p className="text-xl font-bold text-slate-900 first-letter:uppercase max-md:w-full md:truncate">176 {position}177 </p>178 <div className="flex grow flex-wrap items-center justify-between gap-x-8 gap-y-3">179 <p className="h-fit w-fit rounded-full bg-sky-100 px-2 py-1 text-xs font-semibold text-sky-600">180 {category}181 </p>182 <p className="h-fit w-fit rounded-full bg-slate-100 px-2 py-1 text-xs font-semibold text-slate-600">183 {}, {}184 </p>185 </div>186 </div>187 <p className="text-base text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">188 {description}189 </p>190 </div>191 <div className="flex gap-x-5 gap-y-3 max-lg:flex-wrap">192 <div className="flex min-w-0 gap-x-2">193 <ClockIcon className="h-5 w-5 shrink-0 fill-sky-600" />194 <p className="truncate text-sm font-semibold text-slate-600">195 {jobType}196 </p>197 </div>198 <div className="flex min-w-0 gap-x-2">199 <CurrencyDollarIcon className="h-5 w-5 shrink-0 fill-sky-600" />200 <p className="truncate text-sm font-semibold text-slate-600">201 {salary}202 </p>203 </div>204 </div>205 </Link>206 );207 }208 )}209 </div>210 </div>211 );212 }213 )}214 </div>215 </div>216 );217}218
Fueling Innovation
Join Our Dynamic Team
At the heart of our success lies a group of individuals who are diverse in their backgrounds but unified in their passion. We believe in creating an environment where you're not just working — you're thriving.
Open positions on our marketing team
Digital Marketing Manager
CA, Toronto
We're looking for a skilled Digital Marketing Manager with 5+ years of experience to help develop and implement marketing campaigns
$90,000 - $110,000
Social Media Coordinator
US, Los Angeles
We're looking for a creative and detail-oriented Social Media Coordinator with 2+ years of experience to manage social media platforms
$50,000 - $60,000
Open positions on our sales team
Account Executive
GB, London
We're looking for an experienced Account Executive to develop and maintain customer relationships
$80,000 - $100,000
Sales Associate
AU, Sydney
We're looking for a motivated and enthusiastic Sales Associate to provide excellent customer service
$20,000 - $30,000
Business Development Manager
US, New York
We're seeking a results-driven Business Development Manager with 7+ years of experience to identify and develop new business opportunities
$120,000 - $140,000
Open positions on our engineering team
Split layout with image and list
0import React from "react";1import Link from "next/link";23const ClockIcon = ({ className }) => {4 return (5 <svg6 xmlns=""7 viewBox="0 0 24 24"8 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"9 className={className}10 >11 <path12 fillRule="evenodd"13 clipRule="evenodd"14 d="M12 2.25C6.61522 2.25 2.25 6.61522 2.25 12C2.25 17.3848 6.61522 21.75 12 21.75C17.3848 21.75 21.75 17.3848 21.75 12C21.75 6.61522 17.3848 2.25 12 2.25ZM12.75 6C12.75 5.58579 12.4142 5.25 12 5.25C11.5858 5.25 11.25 5.58579 11.25 6V12C11.25 12.4142 11.5858 12.75 12 12.75H16.5C16.9142 12.75 17.25 12.4142 17.25 12C17.25 11.5858 16.9142 11.25 16.5 11.25H12.75V6Z"15 />16 </svg>17 );18};1920const CurrencyDollarIcon = ({ className }) => (21 <svg22 className={className}23 aria-hidden="true"24 viewBox="0 0 24 24"25 xmlns=""26 >27 <path d="M10.4636 8.74626C10.6908 8.56577 10.9607 8.43451 11.25 8.35249V11.1474C10.9552 11.0637 10.686 10.9304 10.4636 10.7537C10.0699 10.441 9.91752 10.073 9.91752 9.75C9.91752 9.42705 10.0699 9.05904 10.4636 8.74626Z" />28 <path d="M12.75 15.6616V12.8383C13.0972 12.9228 13.4138 13.0658 13.6713 13.259C14.0978 13.5788 14.25 13.9448 14.25 14.25C14.25 14.5551 14.0978 14.9211 13.6713 15.241C13.4138 15.4342 13.0972 15.5772 12.75 15.6616Z" />29 <path30 fillRule="evenodd"31 clipRule="evenodd"32 d="M12 2.25C6.61522 2.25 2.25 6.61522 2.25 12C2.25 17.3848 6.61522 21.75 12 21.75C17.3848 21.75 21.75 17.3848 21.75 12C21.75 6.61522 17.3848 2.25 12 2.25ZM12.75 6C12.75 5.58579 12.4142 5.25 12 5.25C11.5858 5.25 11.25 5.58579 11.25 6V6.81563C10.6231 6.92669 10.0253 7.17873 9.53058 7.57176C8.81822 8.13765 8.41752 8.9213 8.41752 9.75C8.41752 10.5787 8.81822 11.3623 9.53058 11.9282C10.033 12.3274 10.6327 12.575 11.25 12.6843V15.6616C10.9028 15.5771 10.5864 15.4341 10.3289 15.241L9.45001 14.5818C9.11865 14.3333 8.64854 14.4004 8.40001 14.7318C8.15147 15.0631 8.21862 15.5332 8.54999 15.7818L9.42886 16.441C9.96206 16.8409 10.5979 17.0856 11.25 17.1903V18C11.25 18.4142 11.5858 18.75 12 18.75C12.4142 18.75 12.75 18.4142 12.75 18V17.1904C13.4021 17.0856 14.0381 16.8409 14.5714 16.441C15.3164 15.8821 15.75 15.0965 15.75 14.25C15.75 13.4034 15.3164 12.6178 14.5714 12.059C14.0381 11.659 13.4021 11.4143 12.75 11.3096V8.35257C13.0392 8.4346 13.309 8.56583 13.5361 8.74626L13.951 9.07585C14.2753 9.3335 14.7471 9.27944 15.0048 8.95511C15.2624 8.63078 15.2084 8.15899 14.884 7.90135L14.4691 7.57176C13.9745 7.17879 13.3768 6.92677 12.75 6.81567V6Z"33 />34 </svg>35);3637const data = {38 subHeading: "Fueling Innovation",39 title: "Join the Dream Team",40 paragraph:41 "At the heart of our vision lies a team of exceptional talents driven by a common goal. We cultivate a culture that empowers you to thrive, supporting your pursuit of excellence and enabling you to be part of an extraordinary collective striving for greatness.",42 image: {43 src: "",44 alt: "",45 },46 items: [47 {48 category: "Marketing",49 position: "Account Executive",50 description:51 "We're looking for an experienced Account Executive to develop and maintain customer relationships",52 location: { city: "London", country: "GB" },53 jobType: "Full-time",54 salary: "$80,000 - $100,000",55 link: "#",56 },57 {58 category: "Sales",59 position: "Digital Marketing Manager",60 description:61 "We're looking for a skilled Digital Marketing Manager with 5+ years of experience to help develop and implement marketing campaigns",62 location: { city: "Toronto", country: "CA" },63 jobType: "Full-time",64 salary: "$90,000 - $110,000",65 link: "#",66 },67 {68 category: "Engineering",69 position: "Social Media Coordinator",70 description:71 "We're looking for a creative and detail-oriented Social Media Coordinator with 2+ years of experience to manage social media platforms",72 location: { city: "Los Angeles", country: "US" },73 jobType: "Full-time",74 salary: "$50,000 - $60,000",75 link: "#",76 },77 ],78};7980export function Careers6() {81 return (82 <div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-md px-8 py-12 sm:max-w-xl md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-5xl xl:max-w-7xl">83 <div className="mb-10 border-b border-slate-200 pb-8">84 <div className="max-w-3xl">85 <p className="mb-1 truncate text-lg font-semibold capitalize text-sky-600">86 {data.subHeading}87 </p>88 <h2 className="mb-4 text-4xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance]">89 {data.title}90 </h2>91 <p className="text-lg text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">92 {data.paragraph}93 </p>94 </div>95 </div>96 <div className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-20 gap-y-12 lg:grid-cols-2">97 <div className="divide-y divide-slate-200">98 { (100 {101 category,102 position,103 description,104 location,105 jobType,106 salary,107 link,108 },109 Index: number110 ) => {111 return (112 <div113 key={Index}114 className="flex flex-col gap-y-6 py-8 first:pt-0 last:pb-0"115 >116 <div className="min-w-0">117 <div className="mb-2 flex flex-wrap items-center gap-4">118 <Link119 href={link}120 className="text-xl font-bold text-slate-900 duration-150 first-letter:uppercase hover:text-sky-700 max-md:w-full md:truncate"121 >122 {position}123 </Link>124 <div className="flex grow flex-wrap items-center justify-between gap-x-8 gap-y-3">125 <p className="h-fit w-fit rounded-full bg-sky-100 px-2 py-1 text-xs font-semibold text-sky-600">126 {category}127 </p>128 <p className="h-fit w-fit rounded-full bg-slate-100 px-2 py-1 text-xs font-semibold text-slate-600">129 {}, {}130 </p>131 </div>132 </div>133 <p className="text-base text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">134 {description}135 </p>136 </div>137 <div className="flex gap-x-5 gap-y-3 max-lg:flex-wrap">138 <div className="flex min-w-0 gap-x-2">139 <ClockIcon className="h-5 w-5 shrink-0 fill-sky-600" />140 <p className="truncate text-sm font-semibold text-slate-600">141 {jobType}142 </p>143 </div>144 <div className="flex min-w-0 gap-x-2">145 <CurrencyDollarIcon className="h-5 w-5 shrink-0 fill-sky-600" />146 <p className="truncate text-sm font-semibold text-slate-600">147 {salary}148 </p>149 </div>150 </div>151 </div>152 );153 }154 )}155 </div>156 <div className="relative w-full max-lg:h-96">157 <div className="h-full w-full overflow-hidden rounded-3xl border border-sky-200 ring-4 ring-sky-100 lg:absolute lg:inset-0">158 <img159 src={data.image.src}160 alt={data.image.alt}161 onError={(e) => {162 const image = as HTMLImageElement;163 image.src = "onerrorimg";164 }}165 className="h-full w-full object-cover"166 />167 </div>168 </div>169 </div>170 </div>171 );172}173
Fueling Innovation
Join the Dream Team
At the heart of our vision lies a team of exceptional talents driven by a common goal. We cultivate a culture that empowers you to thrive, supporting your pursuit of excellence and enabling you to be part of an extraordinary collective striving for greatness.
GB, London
We're looking for an experienced Account Executive to develop and maintain customer relationships
$80,000 - $100,000
CA, Toronto
We're looking for a skilled Digital Marketing Manager with 5+ years of experience to help develop and implement marketing campaigns
$90,000 - $110,000
US, Los Angeles
We're looking for a creative and detail-oriented Social Media Coordinator with 2+ years of experience to manage social media platforms
$50,000 - $60,000
Split heading with list
0import Link from "next/link";12const careersData = [3 {4 position: "Chief Nap Officer",5 tag: "Design",6 description:7 "We're looking for someone to test the comfort of our beds and report back on the quality of naps taken",89 hours: "Part-time",10 location: "Remote",11 link: "#",12 },13 {14 position: "Professional Netflix Watcher",15 tag: "Design",16 description:17 "We're seeking someone to watch and review Netflix shows and movies for our blog",1819 hours: "Full-time",20 location: "Remote",21 link: "#",22 },23 {24 position: "Alien Translator",25 tag: "Design",26 description:27 "We're seeking someone to communicate with extraterrestrial life forms and translate their messages",2829 hours: "Full-time",30 location: "Remote",31 link: "#",32 },33 {34 position: "Professional Cuddler",35 tag: "Design",36 description:37 "We're looking for someone to provide cuddling services to lonely clients",3839 hours: "Part-time",40 location: "Remote",41 link: "#",42 },43];4445const ClockIcon = ({ className }) => {46 return (47 <svg48 xmlns=""49 viewBox="0 0 24 24"50 className={className}51 >52 <path53 fillRule="evenodd"54 d="M12 2.25c-5.385 0-9.75 4.365-9.75 9.75s4.365 9.75 9.75 9.75 9.75-4.365 9.75-9.75S17.385 2.25 12 2.25zM12.75 6a.75.75 0 00-1.5 0v6c0 .414.336.75.75.75h4.5a.75.75 0 000-1.5h-3.75V6z"55 clipRule="evenodd"56 />57 </svg>58 );59};6061const PinIcon = ({ className }) => {62 return (63 <svg64 xmlns=""65 viewBox="0 0 24 24"66 className={className}67 >68 <path69 fillRule="evenodd"70 d="M11.54 22.351l. 0 00.723 0l.028-.015.071-.041a16.975 16.975 0 001.144-.742 19.58 19.58 0 002.683-2.282c1.944-1.99 3.963-4.98 3.963-8.827a8.25 8.25 0 00-16.5 0c0 3.846 2.02 6.837 3.963 8.827a19.58 19.58 0 002.682 2.282 16.975 16.975 0 001.145.742zM12 13.5a3 3 0 100-6 3 3 0 000 6z"71 clipRule="evenodd"72 />73 </svg>74 );75};7677const ArrowUpRightIcon = ({ className }) => {78 return (79 <svg80 xmlns=""81 viewBox="0 0 24 24"82 className={className}83 >84 <path85 fillRule="evenodd"86 d="M8.25 3.75H19.5a.75.75 0 01.75.75v11.25a.75.75 0 01-1.5 0V6.31L5.03 20.03a.75.75 0 01-1.06-1.06L17.69 5.25H8.25a.75.75 0 010-1.5z"87 clipRule="evenodd"88 />89 </svg>90 );91};92export function Careers7() {93 return (94 <div className="mx-auto grid w-full max-w-md grid-cols-1 gap-12 px-4 sm:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-[1440px] lg:grid-cols-2">95 <div className="top-20 h-fit max-w-3xl lg:sticky">96 <h2 className="mb-2 text-lg font-semibold text-sky-700">97 Exciting Journey98 </h2>99 <p className="mb-4 text-4xl font-bold tracking-tight text-slate-900">100 Collaborate with Extraordinary Minds101 </p>102 <p className="text-lg text-slate-600">103 Join a collective of brilliant minds driven by a shared purpose. We104 nurture a culture that celebrates innovation, collaboration, and105 personal growth, empowering you to work alongside exceptional talents106 and unlock your true potential in a dynamic and supportive107 environment.108 </p>109 </div>110 <div className="flex w-full flex-wrap gap-5">111 { (113 { position, description, location, tag, hours, link },114 index: number115 ) => {116 return (117 <Link118 href={link}119 key={index}120 className="flex w-full cursor-pointer flex-col ro