Components/Blog Sections
Blog Sections
Carousel with background images
0import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";1import Link from "next/link";23const ChevronRightIcon = ({ className }) => {4 return (5 <svg6 className={className}7 aria-hidden="true"8 viewBox="0 0 24 24"9 xmlns=""10 >11 <path d="M11.1678 4.38686C10.8468 4.08275 10.4379 3.87566 9.99274 3.79177C9.54759 3.70788 9.0862 3.75095 8.66688 3.91555C8.24756 4.08015 7.88915 4.35887 7.63695 4.71649C7.38476 5.07412 7.2501 5.49458 7.25 5.92472V18.0753C7.2501 18.5054 7.38476 18.9259 7.63695 19.2835C7.88915 19.6411 8.24756 19.9199 8.66688 20.0844C9.0862 20.249 9.54759 20.2921 9.99274 20.2082C10.4379 20.1243 10.8468 19.9172 11.1678 19.6131L17.578 13.5379C18.0083 13.1299 18.25 12.5768 18.25 12C18.25 11.4232 18.0083 10.8701 17.578 10.4621L11.1678 4.38686Z" />12 </svg>13 );14};1516const ChevronLeftIcon = ({ className }) => {17 return (18 <svg19 className={className}20 aria-hidden="true"21 viewBox="0 0 24 24"22 xmlns=""23 >24 <path d="M15.3339 3.91556C14.9144 3.75089 14.4528 3.70785 14.0075 3.79186C13.5622 3.87588 13.1532 4.08319 12.8322 4.38755L6.42198 10.4626C5.99171 10.8705 5.75 11.4236 5.75 12.0004C5.75 12.5771 5.99171 13.1303 6.42198 13.5381L12.8322 19.6132C13.1532 19.9173 13.5621 20.1243 14.0073 20.2082C14.4524 20.2921 14.9138 20.249 15.3331 20.0845C15.7524 19.9199 16.1109 19.6412 16.363 19.2835C16.6152 18.9259 16.7499 18.5055 16.75 18.0754V5.92534C16.7501 5.49518 16.6156 5.07465 16.3636 4.71692C16.1115 4.35918 15.7532 4.08031 15.3339 3.91556Z" />25 </svg>26 );27};2829const CalendarIcon = ({ className }) => {30 return (31 <svg32 xmlns=""33 viewBox="0 0 24 24"34 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"35 className={className}36 >37 <path38 fillRule="evenodd"39 clipRule="evenodd"40 d="M6.75 2.25A.75.75 0 017.5 3v1.5h9V3A.75.75 0 0118 3v1.5h.75a3 3 0 013 3v11.25a3 3 0 01-3 3H5.25a3 3 0 01-3-3V7.5a3 3 0 013-3H6V3a.75.75 0 01.75-.75zm13.5 9a1.5 1.5 0 00-1.5-1.5H5.25a1.5 1.5 0 00-1.5 1.5v7.5a1.5 1.5 0 001.5 1.5h13.5a1.5 1.5 0 001.5-1.5v-7.5z"41 />42 </svg>43 );44};4546const data = {47 subHeading: "Igniting Creativity",48 title: "Jettwave's Expedition in Technological Frontiers",49 items: [50 {51 category: "Revolution",52 title: "Introducing JettWave Quantum Cloud",53 date: "March 1, 2023",54 readTime: 12,55 image: {56 src: "",57 alt: "",58 },59 author: {60 name: "Samantha Davis",61 },62 link: "#",63 },64 {65 category: "Innovation",66 title: "JettWave's AI-driven Smart City Initiatives",67 date: "April 14, 2023",68 readTime: 8,69 image: {70 src: "",71 alt: "",72 },73 author: {74 name: "Christopher Smith",75 },76 link: "#",77 },78 {79 category: "Horizons",80 title: "The Future of IoT with JettWave",81 date: "May 20, 2023",82 readTime: 17,83 image: {84 src: "",85 alt: "",86 },87 author: {88 name: "Emily Wilson",89 },90 link: "#",91 },92 {93 category: "Sustainability",94 title: "JettWave's Green Tech Solutions",95 date: "June 5, 2023",96 readTime: 3,97 image: {98 src: "",99 alt: "",100 },101 author: {102 name: "Brandon Taylor",103 },104 link: "#",105 },106 {107 category: "Collaborations",108 title: "The JettWave-SpaceX Joint Venture",109 date: "July 15, 2023",110 readTime: 22,111 image: {112 src: "",113 alt: "",114 },115 author: {116 name: "Jessica Martinez",117 },118 link: "#",119 },120 {121 category: "Launch",122 title: "Debut of JettWave's Augmented Reality Glasses",123 date: "August 8, 2023",124 readTime: 5,125 image: {126 src: "",127 alt: "",128 },129 author: {130 name: "William Brown",131 },132 link: "#",133 },134 {135 category: "Awards",136 title: "JettWave Secures 'Tech Innovator of the Year'",137 date: "September 4, 2023",138 readTime: 7,139 image: {140 src: "",141 alt: "",142 },143 author: {144 name: "Rebecca White",145 },146 link: "#",147 },148 {149 category: "Research",150 title: "Unveiling the JettWave Neural Network 5.0",151 date: "October 2, 2023",152 readTime: 11,153 image: {154 src: "",155 alt: "",156 },157 author: {158 name: "Daniel Garcia",159 },160 link: "#",161 },162 {163 category: "Roadmap",164 title: "The 2024 Blueprint: JettWave's Vision",165 date: "December 20, 2023",166 readTime: 11,167 image: {168 src: "",169 alt: "",170 },171 author: {172 name: "Michael Johnson",173 },174 link: "#",175 },176 {177 category: "Expansion",178 title: "JettWave's New European Tech Hubs",179 date: "November 12, 2023",180 readTime: 16,181 image: {182 src: "",183 alt: "",184 },185 author: {186 name: "Laura Robinson",187 },188 link: "#",189 },190 ],191};192193interface CarouselItem {194 title: string;195 date: string;196 readTime: number;197 image: {198 src: string;199 alt: string;200 };201 author: {202 name: string;203 };204 link: string;205}206207function moveItemToBack(arr: CarouselItem[]): CarouselItem[] {208 if (arr.length <= 1) {209 // No need to move if array has 0 or 1 item210 return arr;211 }212 const firstItem: CarouselItem = arr.shift()!; // Remove the first item from the array213 arr.push(firstItem); // Append the first item to the end of the array214 return arr;215}216217function moveItemToFront(arr: CarouselItem[]): CarouselItem[] {218 if (arr.length <= 1) {219 // No need to move if array has 0 or 1 item220 return arr;221 }222 const lastItem: CarouselItem = arr.pop()!; // Remove the last item from the array223 arr.unshift(lastItem); // Add the last item to the front of the array224 return arr;225}226227type CarouselHook = {228 carouselData: CarouselItem[];229 current: number;230 setCurrent: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<number>>;231};232233const findData = data.items;234235const useCarousel = (236 findData: CarouselItem[],237 duration: number238): CarouselHook => {239 const [carouselData, setCarouselData] = useState<CarouselItem[]>(findData);240 const [current, setCurrent] = useState<number>(0);241242 useEffect(() => {243 let timeoutId: NodeJS.Timeout;244245 const moveItem = () => {246 if (current === 1) {247 setCarouselData(moveItemToBack(findData)); // Move item to the back of the carousel248 setCurrent(0); // Reset the current index249 } else if (current === -1) {250 setCarouselData(moveItemToFront(findData)); // Move item to the front of the carousel251 setCurrent(0); // Reset the current index252 }253 };254255 if (current !== 0) {256 timeoutId = setTimeout(moveItem, 300); // Trigger moveItem after the specified duration257 }258259 return () => clearTimeout(timeoutId); // Clear the timeout on cleanup260 }, [current, data, duration]);261262 return {263 carouselData,264 current,265 setCurrent,266 };267};268269export function BlogSections1() {270 const { carouselData, current, setCurrent } = useCarousel(findData, 150);271 return (272 <div className="overflow-x-hidden py-12">273 <div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-md overflow-hidden px-8 sm:max-w-xl md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-5xl xl:max-w-7xl">274 <div className="mb-12 flex items-center justify-between">275 <div className="max-w-3xl">276 <p className="mb-1 truncate text-lg font-semibold capitalize text-sky-600">277 {data.subHeading}278 </p>279 <h2 className="mb-4 text-4xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance]">280 {data.title}281 </h2>282 </div>283 <div className="flex gap-x-4">284 <button285 type="button"286 onClick={() => setCurrent(current - 1)}287 disabled={current === 0 ? false : true}288 className="relative z-10 m-[3px] h-14 w-14 shrink-0 overflow-hidden rounded-xl border border-sky-200 bg-white p-2.5 ring-[3px] ring-sky-100"289 >290 <ChevronLeftIcon className="h-full w-full fill-sky-600" />291 </button>292 <button293 type="button"294 onClick={() => setCurrent(current + 1)}295 disabled={current === 0 ? false : true}296 className="relative z-10 m-[3px] h-14 w-14 shrink-0 overflow-hidden rounded-xl border border-sky-200 bg-white p-2.5 ring-[3px] ring-sky-100"297 >298 <ChevronRightIcon className="h-full w-full fill-sky-600" />299 </button>300 </div>301 </div>302 <div className="relative mx-auto flex w-full max-w-7xl justify-center px-8">303 <div304 className={305 current === 0306 ? "flex w-max -translate-x-[624px] gap-x-8"307 : current === 1308 ? "flex w-max -translate-x-[1040px] gap-x-8 duration-300"309 : "flex w-max -translate-x-[208px] gap-x-8 duration-300"310 }311 >312 { (314 { title, date, readTime, image, author, link },315 index: number316 ) => {317 return (318 <Link319 key={index}320 href={link}321 className="relative w-[384px] overflow-hidden rounded-3xl"322 >323 <div className="aspect-[3/4]">324 <img325 src={image.src}326 alt={image.alt}327 onError={(e) => {328 const image = as HTMLImageElement;329 image.src = "onerrorimg";330 }}331 className="h-full w-full object-cover"332 />333 </div>334 <div className="absolute inset-x-0 bottom-0 w-full bg-gradient-to-t from-black/80 from-40% via-black/60 to-transparent p-8 pt-20">335 <div className="min-w-0">336 <div className="mb-3 flex gap-x-2">337 <CalendarIcon className="h-5 w-5 shrink-0 fill-sky-400" />338 <p className="text-sm font-medium text-slate-100">339 {date}340 </p>341 </div>342 <p className="mb-2 line-clamp-2 text-xl font-semibold text-slate-50 first-letter:uppercase">343 {title}344 </p>345 <p className="truncate text-sm text-slate-300">346 {} {" • "}347 {readTime} min read348 </p>349 </div>350 </div>351 </Link>352 );353 }354 )}355 </div>356 </div>357 </div>358 </div>359 );360}361
Igniting Creativity
Jettwave's Expedition in Technological Frontiers
March 1, 2023
Introducing JettWave Quantum Cloud
Samantha Davis • 12 min read
April 14, 2023
JettWave's AI-driven Smart City Initiatives
Christopher Smith • 8 min read
May 20, 2023
The Future of IoT with JettWave
Emily Wilson • 17 min read
June 5, 2023
JettWave's Green Tech Solutions
Brandon Taylor • 3 min read
July 15, 2023
The JettWave-SpaceX Joint Venture
Jessica Martinez • 22 min read
August 8, 2023
Debut of JettWave's Augmented Reality Glasses
William Brown • 5 min read
September 4, 2023
JettWave Secures 'Tech Innovator of the Year'
Rebecca White • 7 min read
October 2, 2023
Unveiling the JettWave Neural Network 5.0
Daniel Garcia • 11 min read
December 20, 2023
The 2024 Blueprint: JettWave's Vision
Michael Johnson • 11 min read
November 12, 2023
JettWave's New European Tech Hubs
Laura Robinson • 16 min read
Three-column cards
0import React from "react";1import Link from "next/link";23const data = {4 subHeading: "Igniting Creativity",5 title: "Unleash the Potential of Our Team",6 paragraph:7 "Our dynamic team at Jettwave is a formidable presence, utilizing their combined expertise to foster innovation and shape the future of technology.",8 items: [9 {10 category: "Technology",11 title: "The Success Story of JettWave",12 description:13 "Discover the inspiring journey of JettWave, a cutting-edge tech startup that revolutionized the industry. Dive into their innovative solutions, strategic partnerships, and the secret behind their rapid growth in the competitive tech market.",14 date: "April 21, 2023",15 readTime: 6,16 image: {17 src: "",18 alt: "",19 },20 author: {21 name: "John Smith",22 image: {23 src: "",24 alt: "",25 },26 },27 link: "#",28 },29 {30 category: "Innovation",31 title: "How JettWave is Shaping the Future",32 description:33 "Explore the groundbreaking innovations and disruptive technologies introduced by JettWave. Uncover their visionary approach, unique business strategies, and the impact they are making on various industries.",34 date: "July 3, 2023",35 readTime: 2,36 image: {37 src: "",38 alt: "",39 },40 author: {41 name: "Emily Davis",42 image: {43 src: "",44 alt: "",45 },46 },47 link: "#",48 },49 {50 category: "Startup",51 title: "JettWave's Tech Revolution",52 description:53 "Discover the transformative power of JettWave's groundbreaking technologies",54 date: "December 11, 2023",55 readTime: 15,56 image: {57 src: "",58 alt: "",59 },60 author: {61 name: "Michael Johnson",62 image: {63 src: "",64 alt: "",65 },66 },67 link: "#",68 },69 ],70};7172export function BlogSections2() {73 return (74 <div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-md px-8 py-12 sm:max-w-xl md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-5xl xl:max-w-7xl">75 <div className="mx-auto mb-12 max-w-3xl text-center">76 <p className="mb-1 truncate text-lg font-semibold capitalize text-sky-600">77 {data.subHeading}78 </p>79 <h2 className="mb-4 text-4xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance]">80 {data.title}81 </h2>82 <p className="text-lg text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">83 {data.paragraph}84 </p>85 </div>86 <div className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-8 lg:grid-cols-3">87 { (89 {90 category,91 title,92 description,93 date,94 readTime,95 image,96 author,97 link,98 },99 index: number100 ) => {101 return (102 <Link103 key={index}104 href={link}105 className="mx-auto flex w-full flex-col overflow-hidden rounded-3xl border border-slate-200 bg-white ring-4 ring-slate-50 duration-300 hover:border-sky-200 hover:ring-sky-100 max-lg:max-w-md"106 >107 <div className="aspect-[5/3] w-full">108 <img109 src={image.src}110 alt={image.alt}111 onError={(e) => {112 const image = as HTMLImageElement;113 image.src = "onerrorimg";114 }}115 className="aspect-[5/3] h-full w-full object-cover"116 />117 </div>118 <div className="flex grow flex-col justify-between gap-y-8 p-6">119 <div className="min-w-0">120 <p className="mb-3 w-fit rounded-full bg-sky-100 px-2.5 py-1.5 text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-sky-600">121 {category}122 </p>123 <p className="mb-1 line-clamp-2 text-xl font-bold text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance] first-letter:uppercase">124 {title}125 </p>126 <p className="line-clamp-3 text-base text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">127 {description}128 </p>129 </div>130 <div className="flex items-center gap-x-4">131 <div className="h-12 w-12 shrink-0 overflow-hidden rounded-full">132 <img133 src={author.image.src}134 alt={author.image.alt}135 onError={(e) => {136 const image = as HTMLImageElement;137 image.src = "onerrorimg";138 }}139 className="aspect-square h-full w-full object-cover"140 />141 </div>142 <div className="min-w-0">143 <p className="truncate text-base font-medium capitalize text-slate-900">144 {}145 </p>146 <p className="truncate text-sm text-slate-600">147 {date}148 <span className="font-medium">149 {" • "}150 {readTime} min read151 </span>152 </p>153 </div>154 </div>155 </div>156 </Link>157 );158 }159 )}160 </div>161 </div>162 );163}164
Igniting Creativity
Unleash the Potential of Our Team
Our dynamic team at Jettwave is a formidable presence, utilizing their combined expertise to foster innovation and shape the future of technology.
The Success Story of JettWave
Discover the inspiring journey of JettWave, a cutting-edge tech startup that revolutionized the industry. Dive into their innovative solutions, strategic partnerships, and the secret behind their rapid growth in the competitive tech market.
John Smith
April 21, 2023 • 6 min read
How JettWave is Shaping the Future
Explore the groundbreaking innovations and disruptive technologies introduced by JettWave. Uncover their visionary approach, unique business strategies, and the impact they are making on various industries.
Emily Davis
July 3, 2023 • 2 min read
JettWave's Tech Revolution
Discover the transformative power of JettWave's groundbreaking technologies
Michael Johnson
December 11, 2023 • 15 min read
Three-column inset cards
0import React from "react";1import Link from "next/link";23const LikeIcon = ({ className }) => {4 return (5 <svg6 xmlns=""7 viewBox="0 0 24 24"8 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"9 className={className}10 >11 <path d="M7.493 18.75c-.425 0-.82-.236-.975-.632A7.48 7.48 0 016 15.375c0-1.75.599-3.358 1.602-4.634.151-.192.373-.309.6-.397.473-.183.89-.514 1.212-.924a9.042 9.042 0 012.861-2.4c.723-.384 1.35-.956 1.653-1.715a4.498 4.498 0 00.322-1.672V3a.75.75 0 01.75-.75 2.25 2.25 0 012.25 2.25c0 1.152-.26 2.243-.723 3.218-.266.558.107 1.282.725 1.282h3.126c1.026 0 1.945.694 2.054 1.715.045.422.068.85.068 1.285a11.95 11.95 0 01-2.649 7.521c-.388.482-.987.729-1.605.729H14.23c-.483 0-.964-.078-1.423-.23l-3.114-1.04a4.501 4.501 0 00-1.423-.23h-.777zM2.331 10.977a11.969 11.969 0 00-.831 4.398 12 12 0 00.52 3.507c.26.85 1.084 1.368 1.973 1.368H4.9c.445 0 .72-.498.523-.898a8.963 8.963 0 01-.924-3.977c0-1.708.476-3.305 1.302-4.666.245-.403-.028-.959-.5-.959H4.25c-.832 0-1.612.453-1.918 1.227z" />12 </svg>13 );14};1516const CommentIcon = ({ className }) => {17 return (18 <svg19 xmlns=""20 viewBox="0 0 24 24"21 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"22 className={className}23 >24 <path25 fillRule="evenodd"26 clipRule="evenodd"27 d="M12 2.25c-2.429 0-4.817.178-7.152.521C2.87 3.061 1.5 4.795 1.5 6.741v6.018c0 1.946 1.37 3.68 3.348 3.97.877.129 1.761.234 2.652.316V21a.75.75 0 001.28.53l4.184-4.183a.39.39 0 01.266-.112c2.006-.05 3.982-.22 5.922-.506 1.978-.29 3.348-2.023 3.348-3.97V6.741c0-1.947-1.37-3.68-3.348-3.97A49.145 49.145 0 0012 2.25zM8.25 8.625a1.125 1.125 0 100 2.25 1.125 1.125 0 000-2.25zm2.625 1.125a1.125 1.125 0 112.25 0 1.125 1.125 0 01-2.25 0zm4.875-1.125a1.125 1.125 0 100 2.25 1.125 1.125 0 000-2.25z"28 />29 </svg>30 );31};3233const data = {34 subHeading: "Igniting Creativity",35 title: "Unleash the Potential of Our Team",36 paragraph:37 "Our dynamic team at Jettwave is a formidable presence, utilizing their combined expertise to foster innovation and shape the future of technology.",38 items: [39 {40 title: "Unveiling the Journey of JettWave",41 description:42 "Embark on an inspiring journey with JettWave, the cutting-edge tech startup that has revolutionized the industry. Explore their innovative solutions, strategic partnerships, and the secret behind their rapid growth in the competitive tech market.",43 likes: 234,44 comments: 94,45 readTime: 9,46 image: {47 src: "",48 alt: "",49 },50 author: {51 name: "John Smith",52 image: {53 src: "",54 alt: "",55 },56 },57 link: "#",58 },59 {60 title: "JettWave: Shaping the Future of Innovation",61 description:62 "Discover the groundbreaking innovations and disruptive technologies introduced by JettWave. Uncover their visionary approach, unique business strategies, and the profound impact they are making on various industries.",63 likes: 567,64 comments: 212,65 readTime: 18,66 image: {67 src: "",68 alt: "",69 },70 author: {71 name: "Emily Davis",72 image: {73 src: "",74 alt: "",75 },76 },77 link: "#",78 },79 {80 title: "Revolutionizing Industries: JettWave's Tech Journey",81 description:82 "Discover the transformative power of JettWave's groundbreaking technologies as they redefine industries and push boundaries beyond imagination.",83 likes: 123,84 comments: 32,85 readTime: 5,86 image: {87 src: "",88 alt: "",89 },90 author: {91 name: "Michael Johnson",92 image: {93 src: "",94 alt: "",95 },96 },97 link: "#",98 },99 ],100};101102export function BlogSections3() {103 return (104 <div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-md px-8 py-12 sm:max-w-xl md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-5xl xl:max-w-7xl">105 <div className="mx-auto mb-12 max-w-3xl text-center">106 <p className="mb-1 truncate text-lg font-semibold capitalize text-sky-600">107 {data.subHeading}108 </p>109 <h2 className="mb-4 text-4xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance]">110 {data.title}111 </h2>112 <p className="text-lg text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">113 {data.paragraph}114 </p>115 </div>116 <div className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-8 lg:grid-cols-3">117 { (119 {120 title,121 description,122 likes,123 comments,124 readTime,125 image,126 author,127 link,128 },129 index: number130 ) => {131 return (132 <Link133 key={index}134 href={link}135 className="mx-auto flex w-full flex-col gap-y-8 rounded-3xl border border-slate-200 bg-white p-6 ring-sky-100 duration-300 hover:border-sky-200 hover:ring-4 max-lg:max-w-md"136 >137 <div className="aspect-[5/3] w-full overflow-hidden rounded-2xl">138 <img139 src={image.src}140 alt={image.alt}141 onError={(e) => {142 const image = as HTMLImageElement;143 image.src = "onerrorimg";144 }}145 className="aspect-[5/3] h-full w-full object-cover"146 />147 </div>148 <div className="flex grow flex-col justify-between gap-y-8">149 <div className="min-w-0">150 <div className="mb-3 flex gap-x-5 gap-y-3 max-lg:flex-wrap">151 <div className="flex min-w-0 gap-x-2">152 <LikeIcon className="h-5 w-5 shrink-0 fill-sky-600" />153 <p className="truncate text-sm font-semibold text-slate-600">154 {likes} {+likes >= 2 ? "Likes" : "Like"}155 </p>156 </div>157 <div className="flex min-w-0 gap-x-2">158 <CommentIcon className="h-5 w-5 shrink-0 fill-sky-600" />159 <p className="truncate text-sm font-semibold text-slate-600">160 {comments} {+comments >= 2 ? "Comments" : "Comment"}161 </p>162 </div>163 </div>164 <p className="mb-1 line-clamp-2 text-xl font-bold text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance] first-letter:uppercase">165 {title}166 </p>167 <p className="line-clamp-3 text-base text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">168 {description}169 </p>170 </div>171 <div className="flex items-center gap-x-4">172 <div className="h-12 w-12 shrink-0 overflow-hidden rounded-full">173 <img174 src={author.image.src}175 alt={author.image.alt}176 onError={(e) => {177 const image = as HTMLImageElement;178 image.src = "onerrorimg";179 }}180 className="aspect-square h-full w-full object-cover"181 />182 </div>183 <div className="min-w-0">184 <p className="truncate text-base font-medium capitalize text-slate-900">185 {}186 </p>187 <p className="truncate text-sm text-slate-600">188 {readTime} min read189 </p>190 </div>191 </div>192 </div>193 </Link>194 );195 }196 )}197 </div>198 </div>199 );200}201
Igniting Creativity
Unleash the Potential of Our Team
Our dynamic team at Jettwave is a formidable presence, utilizing their combined expertise to foster innovation and shape the future of technology.
Unveiling the Journey of JettWave
Embark on an inspiring journey with JettWave, the cutting-edge tech startup that has revolutionized the industry. Explore their innovative solutions, strategic partnerships, and the secret behind their rapid growth in the competitive tech market.
John Smith
9 min read
JettWave: Shaping the Future of Innovation
Discover the groundbreaking innovations and disruptive technologies introduced by JettWave. Uncover their visionary approach, unique business strategies, and the profound impact they are making on various industries.
Emily Davis
18 min read
Revolutionizing Industries: JettWave's Tech Journey
Discover the transformative power of JettWave's groundbreaking technologies as they redefine industries and push boundaries beyond imagination.
Michael Johnson
5 min read
Three-column with minimal style
0import React from "react";1import Link from "next/link";23const data = {4 subHeading: "Igniting Creativity",5 title: "Unleash the Potential of Our Team",6 paragraph:7 "Our dynamic team at Jettwave is a formidable presence, utilizing their combined expertise to foster innovation and shape the future of technology.",8 items: [9 {10 category: "Technology",11 title: "Unveiling the Journey of JettWave",12 description:13 "Embark on an inspiring journey with JettWave, the cutting-edge tech startup that has revolutionized the industry. Explore their innovative solutions, strategic partnerships, and the secret behind their rapid growth in the competitive tech market.",14 date: "April 21, 2023",15 image: {16 src: "",17 alt: "",18 },19 author: {20 name: "John Smith",21 },22 link: "#",23 },24 {25 category: "Innovation",26 title: "JettWave: Shaping the Future of Innovation",27 description:28 "Discover the groundbreaking innovations and disruptive technologies introduced by JettWave. Uncover their visionary approach, unique business strategies, and the profound impact they are making on various industries.",29 date: "July 3, 2023",30 image: {31 src: "",32 alt: "",33 },34 author: {35 name: "Emily Davis",36 },37 link: "#",38 },39 {40 category: "Startup",41 title: "Revolutionizing Industries: JettWave's Tech Journey",42 description:43 "Discover the transformative power of JettWave's groundbreaking technologies as they redefine industries and push boundaries beyond imagination.",44 date: "December 11, 2023",45 image: {46 src: "",47 alt: "",48 },49 author: {50 name: "Michael Johnson",51 },52 link: "#",53 },54 ],55};5657export function BlogSections4() {58 return (59 <div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-md px-8 py-12 sm:max-w-xl md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-5xl xl:max-w-7xl">60 <div className="mx-auto mb-12 max-w-3xl text-center">61 <p className="mb-1 truncate text-lg font-semibold capitalize text-sky-600">62 {data.subHeading}63 </p>64 <h2 className="mb-4 text-4xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance]">65 {data.title}66 </h2>67 <p className="text-lg text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">68 {data.paragraph}69 </p>70 </div>71 <div className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-8 gap-y-12 lg:grid-cols-3">72 { (74 { category, title, description, date, image, author, link },75 index: number76 ) => {77 return (78 <div79 key={index}80 className="mx-auto flex w-full flex-col gap-y-8 max-lg:max-w-md"81 >82 <div className="aspect-[5/3] w-full overflow-hidden rounded-3xl">83 <img84 src={image.src}85 alt={image.alt}86 onError={(e) => {87 const image = as HTMLImageElement;88 image.src = "onerrorimg";89 }}90 className="aspect-[5/3] h-full w-full object-cover"91 />92 </div>93 <div className="flex grow flex-col justify-between gap-y-8">94 <div className="min-w-0">95 <p className="mb-1 truncate text-sm font-semibold capitalize text-sky-600">96 {}97 <span className="font-medium">98 {" • "}99 {date}100 </span>101 </p>102 <Link103 href={link}104 className="mb-1 line-clamp-2 text-xl font-bold text-slate-900 duration-150 [text-wrap:balance] first-letter:uppercase hover:text-sky-700"105 >106 {title}107 </Link>108 <p className="line-clamp-3 text-base text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">109 {description}110 </p>111 </div>112 <div>113 <p className="w-fit rounded-full bg-sky-100 px-2.5 py-1.5 text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-sky-600">114 {category}115 </p>116 </div>117 </div>118 </div>119 );120 }121 )}122 </div>123 </div>124 );125}126
Igniting Creativity
Unleash the Potential of Our Team
Our dynamic team at Jettwave is a formidable presence, utilizing their combined expertise to foster innovation and shape the future of technology.
John Smith • April 21, 2023
Unveiling the Journey of JettWaveEmbark on an inspiring journey with JettWave, the cutting-edge tech startup that has revolutionized the industry. Explore their innovative solutions, strategic partnerships, and the secret behind their rapid growth in the competitive tech market.
Emily Davis • July 3, 2023
JettWave: Shaping the Future of InnovationDiscover the groundbreaking innovations and disruptive technologies introduced by JettWave. Uncover their visionary approach, unique business strategies, and the profound impact they are making on various industries.
Michael Johnson • December 11, 2023
Revolutionizing Industries: JettWave's Tech JourneyDiscover the transformative power of JettWave's groundbreaking technologies as they redefine industries and push boundaries beyond imagination.
Carousel with horizontal card
0import React, { useState } from "react";1import Link from "next/link";23const ChevronRightIcon = ({ className }) => {4 return (5 <svg6 className={className}7 aria-hidden="true"8 viewBox="0 0 24 24"9 xmlns=""10 >11 <path d="M11.1678 4.38686C10.8468 4.08275 10.4379 3.87566 9.99274 3.79177C9.54759 3.70788 9.0862 3.75095 8.66688 3.91555C8.24756 4.08015 7.88915 4.35887 7.63695 4.71649C7.38476 5.07412 7.2501 5.49458 7.25 5.92472V18.0753C7.2501 18.5054 7.38476 18.9259 7.63695 19.2835C7.88915 19.6411 8.24756 19.9199 8.66688 20.0844C9.0862 20.249 9.54759 20.2921 9.99274 20.2082C10.4379 20.1243 10.8468 19.9172 11.1678 19.6131L17.578 13.5379C18.0083 13.1299 18.25 12.5768 18.25 12C18.25 11.4232 18.0083 10.8701 17.578 10.4621L11.1678 4.38686Z" />12 </svg>13 );14};1516const ChevronLeftIcon = ({ className }) => {17 return (18 <svg19 className={className}20 aria-hidden="true"21 viewBox="0 0 24 24"22 xmlns=""23 >24 <path d="M15.3339 3.91556C14.9144 3.75089 14.4528 3.70785 14.0075 3.79186C13.5622 3.87588 13.1532 4.08319 12.8322 4.38755L6.42198 10.4626C5.99171 10.8705 5.75 11.4236 5.75 12.0004C5.75 12.5771 5.99171 13.1303 6.42198 13.5381L12.8322 19.6132C13.1532 19.9173 13.5621 20.1243 14.0073 20.2082C14.4524 20.2921 14.9138 20.249 15.3331 20.0845C15.7524 19.9199 16.1109 19.6412 16.363 19.2835C16.6152 18.9259 16.7499 18.5055 16.75 18.0754V5.92534C16.7501 5.49518 16.6156 5.07465 16.3636 4.71692C16.1115 4.35918 15.7532 4.08031 15.3339 3.91556Z" />25 </svg>26 );27};2829const CalendarIcon = ({ className }) => {30 return (31 <svg32 xmlns=""33 viewBox="0 0 24 24"34 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"35 className={className}36 >37 <path38 fillRule="evenodd"39 clipRule="evenodd"40 d="M6.75 2.25A.75.75 0 017.5 3v1.5h9V3A.75.75 0 0118 3v1.5h.75a3 3 0 013 3v11.25a3 3 0 01-3 3H5.25a3 3 0 01-3-3V7.5a3 3 0 013-3H6V3a.75.75 0 01.75-.75zm13.5 9a1.5 1.5 0 00-1.5-1.5H5.25a1.5 1.5 0 00-1.5 1.5v7.5a1.5 1.5 0 001.5 1.5h13.5a1.5 1.5 0 001.5-1.5v-7.5z"41 />42 </svg>43 );44};4546const LikeIcon = ({ className }) => {47 return (48 <svg49 xmlns=""50 viewBox="0 0 24 24"51 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"52 className={className}53 >54 <path d="M7.493 18.75c-.425 0-.82-.236-.975-.632A7.48 7.48 0 016 15.375c0-1.75.599-3.358 1.602-4.634.151-.192.373-.309.6-.397.473-.183.89-.514 1.212-.924a9.042 9.042 0 012.861-2.4c.723-.384 1.35-.956 1.653-1.715a4.498 4.498 0 00.322-1.672V3a.75.75 0 01.75-.75 2.25 2.25 0 012.25 2.25c0 1.152-.26 2.243-.723 3.218-.266.558.107 1.282.725 1.282h3.126c1.026 0 1.945.694 2.054 1.715.045.422.068.85.068 1.285a11.95 11.95 0 01-2.649 7.521c-.388.482-.987.729-1.605.729H14.23c-.483 0-.964-.078-1.423-.23l-3.114-1.04a4.501 4.501 0 00-1.423-.23h-.777zM2.331 10.977a11.969 11.969 0 00-.831 4.398 12 12 0 00.52 3.507c.26.85 1.084 1.368 1.973 1.368H4.9c.445 0 .72-.498.523-.898a8.963 8.963 0 01-.924-3.977c0-1.708.476-3.305 1.302-4.666.245-.403-.028-.959-.5-.959H4.25c-.832 0-1.612.453-1.918 1.227z" />55 </svg>56 );57};5859const CommentIcon = ({ className }) => {60 return (61 <svg62 xmlns=""63 viewBox="0 0 24 24"64 preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"65 className={className}66 >67 <path68 fillRule="evenodd"69 clipRule="evenodd"70 d="M12 2.25c-2.429 0-4.817.178-7.152.521C2.87 3.061 1.5 4.795 1.5 6.741v6.018c0 1.946 1.37 3.68 3.348 3.97.877.129 1.761.234 2.652.316V21a.75.75 0 001.28.53l4.184-4.183a.39.39 0 01.266-.112c2.006-.05 3.982-.22 5.922-.506 1.978-.29 3.348-2.023 3.348-3.97V6.741c0-1.947-1.37-3.68-3.348-3.97A49.145 49.145 0 0012 2.25zM8.25 8.625a1.125 1.125 0 100 2.25 1.125 1.125 0 000-2.25zm2.625 1.125a1.125 1.125 0 112.25 0 1.125 1.125 0 01-2.25 0zm4.875-1.125a1.125 1.125 0 100 2.25 1.125 1.125 0 000-2.25z"71 />72 </svg>73 );74};7576const data = {77 subHeading: "Pioneering Digital Horizons",78 title: "Venturing into Tomorrow with NexTech",79 paragraph:80 "At NexTech, we're not just about technology; we're about the future. Harnessing the power of our diverse team, we bring forth innovations that challenge conventions and set new standards.",81 items: [82 {83 title: "The Evolution of NexTech",84 description:85 "Journey with us as we trace back to our roots, charting the course from a fledgling startup to a tech titan. Witness the milestones and breakthroughs that have defined our path.",86 date: "April 21, 2023",87 likes: 320,88 comments: 87,89 readTime: 11,90 image: {91 src: "",92 alt: "",93 },94 link: "#",95 author: {96 name: "Rebecca Turner",97 image: {98 src: "",99 alt: "",100 },101 },102 },103 {104 title: "Innovation at NexTech's Heart",105 description:106 "Peek behind the curtains to discover how our passion for innovation fuels our endeavors. Understand the philosophy that drives every product and solution we craft.",107 date: "April 21, 2023",108 likes: 450,109 comments: 152,110 readTime: 15,111 image: {112 src: "",113 alt: "",114 },115 link: "#",116 author: {117 name: "Liam Foster",118 image: {119 src: "",120 alt: "",121 },122 },123 },124 {125 title: "Empowering Communities with NexTech",126 description:127 "Discover how our technological solutions are making an impact, empowering communities, and driving change on both local and global scales.",128 date: "April 21, 2023",129 likes: 278,130 comments: 49,131 readTime: 10,132 image: {133 src: "",134 alt: "",135 },136 author: {137 name: "Sophie Martin",138 image: {139 src: "",140 alt: "",141 },142 },143 link: "#",144 },145 {146 title: "Tech for a Greener Tomorrow",147 description:148 "Learn about our commitment to the environment and how we're using technology to create a more sustainable, greener future for all.",149 date: "July 3, 2023",150 likes: 375,151 comments: 95,152 readTime: 8,153 image: {154 src: "",155 alt: "",156 },157 author: {158 name: "George Williams",159 image: {160 src: "",161 alt: "",162 },163 },164 link: "#",165 },166 {167 title: "The Visionaries Behind NexTech",168 description:169 "Meet the brilliant minds and visionary leaders steering NexTech to new horizons. Discover the ethos, passion, and expertise they bring to the table.",170 date: "December 11, 2023",171 likes: 412,172 comments: 134,173 readTime: 9,174 image: {175 src: "",176 alt: "",177 },178 author: {179 name: "Mia Johnson",180 image: {181 src: "",182 alt: "",183 },184 },185 link: "#",186 },187 ],188};189190export function BlogSections5() {191 const [current, setCurrent] = useState(0);192 return (193 <div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-md px-8 py-12 sm:max-w-xl md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-5xl xl:max-w-7xl">194 <div className="mx-auto mb-12 max-w-3xl text-center">195 <p className="mb-1 truncate text-lg font-semibold capitalize text-sky-600">196 {data.subHeading}197 </p>198 <h2 className="mb-4 text-4xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance]">199 {data.title}200 </h2>201 <p className="text-lg text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">202 {data.paragraph}203 </p>204 </div>205 <div className="relative mx-auto mb-12 max-w-md lg:h-80 lg:max-w-5xl">206 { (208 {209 title,210 description,211 date,212 likes,213 comments,214 readTime,215 image,216 author,217 link,218 },219 index: number220 ) => {221 return (222 <Link223 key={index}224 href={link}225 className={`${226 current === index227 ? "relative z-10 delay-75"228 : "absolute inset-0 scale-90 opacity-0"229 } lg:h-full w-full grid-cols-2 flex-col gap-x-12 gap-y-8 rounded-3xl border border-slate-200 bg-white p-6 ring-4 ring-slate-50 duration-300 hover:border-sky-200 hover:ring-sky-100 max-lg:flex lg:grid lg:p-8`}230 >231 <div className="w-full overflow-hidden rounded-3xl max-lg:aspect-[5/3]">232 <img233 src={image.src}234 alt={image.alt}235 onError={(e) => {236 const image = as HTMLImageElement;237 image.src = "onerrorimg";238 }}239 className="h-full w-full object-cover max-lg:aspect-[5/3]"240 />241 </div>242 <div className="flex grow flex-col justify-between gap-y-8">243 <div className="min-w-0">244 <div className="mb-3 flex gap-x-5 gap-y-3 max-lg:flex-wrap">245 <div className="flex min-w-0 gap-x-2 max-lg:hidden">246 <CalendarIcon className="h-5 w-5 shrink-0 fill-sky-600" />247 <p className="truncate text-sm font-semibold text-slate-600">248 {date}249 </p>250 </div>251 <div className="flex min-w-0 gap-x-2">252 <LikeIcon className="h-5 w-5 shrink-0 fill-sky-600" />253 <p className="truncate text-sm font-semibold text-slate-600">254 {likes} {+likes >= 2 ? "Likes" : "Like"}255 </p>256 </div>257 <div className="flex min-w-0 gap-x-2">258 <CommentIcon className="h-5 w-5 shrink-0 fill-sky-600" />259 <p className="truncate text-sm font-semibold text-slate-600">260 {comments} {+comments >= 2 ? "Comments" : "Comment"}261 </p>262 </div>263 </div>264 <p className="mb-1 line-clamp-2 text-xl font-bold text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance] first-letter:uppercase">265 {title}266 </p>267 <p className="line-clamp-3 text-base text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">268 {description}269 </p>270 </div>271 <div className="flex items-center gap-x-4">272 <div className="h-12 w-12 shrink-0 overflow-hidden rounded-full">273 <img274 src={author.image.src}275 alt={author.image.alt}276 onError={(e) => {277 const image = as HTMLImageElement;278 image.src = "onerrorimg";279 }}280 className="aspect-square h-full w-full object-cover"281 />282 </div>283 <div className="min-w-0">284 <p className="truncate text-base font-medium capitalize text-slate-900">285 {}286 </p>287 <p className="truncate text-sm text-slate-600">288 {readTime} min read289 </p>290 </div>291 </div>292 </div>293 </Link>294 );295 }296 )}297 </div>298 <div className="mx-auto flex max-w-md flex-wrap items-center justify-between gap-x-8 gap-y-6 lg:max-w-5xl">299 <button300 type="button"301 onClick={302 current !== 0303 ? () => setCurrent(current - 1)304 : () => setCurrent(data.items.length - 1)305 }306 className="relative z-10 m-[3px] h-12 w-12 shrink-0 overflow-hidden rounded-xl border border-sky-200 bg-white p-2.5 ring-[3px] ring-sky-100"307 >308 <ChevronLeftIcon className="h-full w-full fill-sky-600" />309 </button>310 <div className="flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-5 max-sm:order-last max-sm:w-full">311 {, index: number) => {312 return (313 <button314 key={index}315 onClick={() => setCurrent(index)}316 className={`${317 current === index ? "bg-sky-600" : "bg-slate-200"318 } h-3 w-3 rounded-full duration-300`}319 />320 );321 })}322 </div>323 <button324 type="button"325 onClick={326 current !== data.items.length - 1327 ? () => setCurrent(current + 1)328 : () => setCurrent(0)329 }330 className="relative z-10 m-[3px] h-12 w-12 shrink-0 overflow-hidden rounded-xl border border-sky-200 bg-white p-2.5 ring-[3px] ring-sky-100"331 >332 <ChevronRightIcon className="h-full w-full fill-sky-600" />333 </button>334 </div>335 </div>336 );337}338
Pioneering Digital Horizons
Venturing into Tomorrow with NexTech
At NexTech, we're not just about technology; we're about the future. Harnessing the power of our diverse team, we bring forth innovations that challenge conventions and set new standards.
April 21, 2023
The Evolution of NexTech
Journey with us as we trace back to our roots, charting the course from a fledgling startup to a tech titan. Witness the milestones and breakthroughs that have defined our path.
Rebecca Turner
11 min read
April 21, 2023
Innovation at NexTech's Heart
Peek behind the curtains to discover how our passion for innovation fuels our endeavors. Understand the philosophy that drives every product and solution we craft.
Liam Foster
15 min read
April 21, 2023
Empowering Communities with NexTech
Discover how our technological solutions are making an impact, empowering communities, and driving change on both local and global scales.
Sophie Martin
10 min read
July 3, 2023
Tech for a Greener Tomorrow
Learn about our commitment to the environment and how we're using technology to create a more sustainable, greener future for all.
George Williams
8 min read
December 11, 2023
The Visionaries Behind NexTech
Meet the brilliant minds and visionary leaders steering NexTech to new horizons. Discover the ethos, passion, and expertise they bring to the table.
Mia Johnson
9 min read
Two-column with horizontal layout
0import React from "react";1import Link from "next/link";23const ChevronRightIcon = ({ className }) => {4 return (5 <svg6 xmlns=""7 viewBox="0 0 24 24"8 className={className}9 >10 <path d="M11.1678 4.38686C10.8468 4.08275 10.4379 3.87566 9.99274 3.79177C9.54759 3.70788 9.0862 3.75095 8.66688 3.91555C8.24756 4.08015 7.88915 4.35887 7.63695 4.71649C7.38476 5.07412 7.2501 5.49458 7.25 5.92472V18.0753C7.2501 18.5054 7.38476 18.9259 7.63695 19.2835C7.88915 19.6411 8.24756 19.9199 8.66688 20.0844C9.0862 20.249 9.54759 20.2921 9.99274 20.2082C10.4379 20.1243 10.8468 19.9172 11.1678 19.6131L17.578 13.5379C18.0083 13.1299 18.25 12.5768 18.25 12C18.25 11.4232 18.0083 10.8701 17.578 10.4621L11.1678 4.38686Z" />11 </svg>12 );13};1415const data = {16 subHeading: "Empowering Visionaries",17 title: "Harness the Brilliance of Jettwave",18 paragraph:19 "Jettwave's multifaceted team works in tandem, bringing their diverse skills to the table, ushering in an era of unparalleled technological advancements.",20 items: [21 {22 category: "Leadership",23 title: "JettWave: Pioneers in Technological Leadership",24 description:25 "Journey with JettWave to understand the essence of leadership in the tech space. Dive deep into their organizational culture, effective team dynamics, and the driving force propelling them to global recognition.",26 image: {27 src: "",28 alt: "",29 },30 button: { label: "Read More", link: "#" },31 },32 {33 category: "Strategies",34 title: "JettWave: Blueprint for Global Tech Domination",35 description:36 "Dive into the intricate strategies adopted by JettWave, setting them apart in the tech industry. From innovative problem-solving techniques to their ethos of continuous learning, explore how they're setting benchmarks for others to follow.",37 image: {38 src: "",39 alt: "",40 },41 button: { label: "Read More", link: "#" },42 },43 {44 category: "Achievements",45 title: "JettWave: Marking Milestones in Tech",46 description:47 "Explore the key achievements that place JettWave at the zenith of technological accomplishments. Dive into their legacy, marked by relentless dedication, key collaborations, and a deep-seated belief in transformative solutions.",48 image: {49 src: "",50 alt: "",51 },52 button: { label: "Read More", link: "#" },53 },54 {55 category: "Visions",56 title: "JettWave's Gaze into the Tech Tomorrow",57 description:58 "Get an insider's view into JettWave's aspirations for the future. From their approach to tackling emerging challenges to seeding innovative thoughts for tomorrow, understand the vision that propels them forward.",59 image: {60 src: "",61 alt: "",62 },63 button: { label: "Read More", link: "#" },64 },65 ],66};6768export function BlogSections6() {69 return (70 <div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-md px-8 py-12 sm:max-w-xl md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-5xl xl:max-w-7xl">71 <div className="mb-10 border-b border-slate-200 pb-8">72 <div className="max-w-3xl">73 <p className="mb-1 truncate text-lg font-semibold capitalize text-sky-600">74 {data.subHeading}75 </p>76 <h2 className="mb-4 text-4xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance]">77 {data.title}78 </h2>79 <p className="text-lg text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">80 {data.paragraph}81 </p>82 </div>83 </div>84 <div className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-12 lg:grid-cols-2">85 { ({ category, title, description, image, button }, index: number) => {87 return (88 <div key={index} className="flex w-full gap-8 max-sm:flex-col">89 <div className="aspect-square h-52 shrink-0 overflow-hidden rounded-2xl sm:max-md:h-40 lg:max-xl:h-40">90 <img91 src={image.src}92 alt={image.alt}93 onError={(e) => {94 const image = as HTMLImageElement;95 image.src = "onerrorimg";96 }}97 className="aspect-square h-full w-full object-cover"98 />99 </div>100 <div className="flex min-w-0 grow flex-col justify-between gap-y-5">101 <div>102 <p className="mb-1 truncate text-sm font-semibold uppercase text-sky-600 sm:max-md:hidden lg:max-xl:hidden">103 {category}104 </p>105 <Link106 href={}107 className="mb-1 line-clamp-2 text-xl font-bold text-slate-900 duration-150 [text-wrap:balance] first-letter:uppercase hover:text-sky-700"108 >109 {title}110 </Link>111 <p className="line-clamp-3 text-base text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance] sm:max-md:line-clamp-2 lg:max-xl:line-clamp-2">112 {description}113 </p>114 </div>115 <Link116 href={}117 className="group inline-flex items-center gap-x-0.5 whitespace-nowrap text-base font-semibold text-sky-600 duration-150 hover:text-sky-700"118 >119 {button.label}120 <ChevronRightIcon className="mt-0.5 h-4 w-4 fill-sky-600 duration-150 group-hover:fill-sky-700" />121 </Link>122 </div>123 </div>124 );125 }126 )}127 </div>128 </div>129 );130}131
Empowering Visionaries
Harness the Brilliance of Jettwave
Jettwave's multifaceted team works in tandem, bringing their diverse skills to the table, ushering in an era of unparalleled technological advancements.
JettWave: Pioneers in Technological LeadershipJourney with JettWave to understand the essence of leadership in the tech space. Dive deep into their organizational culture, effective team dynamics, and the driving force propelling them to global recognition.
JettWave: Blueprint for Global Tech DominationDive into the intricate strategies adopted by JettWave, setting them apart in the tech industry. From innovative problem-solving techniques to their ethos of continuous learning, explore how they're setting benchmarks for others to follow.
JettWave: Marking Milestones in TechExplore the key achievements that place JettWave at the zenith of technological accomplishments. Dive into their legacy, marked by relentless dedication, key collaborations, and a deep-seated belief in transformative solutions.
JettWave's Gaze into the Tech TomorrowGet an insider's view into JettWave's aspirations for the future. From their approach to tackling emerging challenges to seeding innovative thoughts for tomorrow, understand the vision that propels them forward.
0import React from "react";1import Link from "next/link";23const data = {4 subHeading: "Pioneering Progress",5 title: "Jettwave's Odyssey in Tech Mastery",6 paragraph:7 "Jettwave embodies the spirit of progress, combining cutting-edge ideas with unparalleled expertise, setting new standards in the tech realm.",8 items: [9 {10 category: "Legacy",11 title: "JettWave: Crafting a Tech Legacy",12 description:13 "Delve into the legacy JettWave has built over the years. From momentous achievements to challenges overcome, witness the makings of a tech giant.",14 date: "June 4, 2023",15 readTime: 7,16 author: {17 name: "Michael Johnson",18 image: {19 src: "",20 alt: "",21 },22 },23 link: "#",24 },25 {26 category: "Perspectives",27 title: "Insights from JettWave's Tech Think Tank",28 description:29 "Peer into the minds that fuel JettWave's innovations. Their unique perspectives, bold ideas, and forward-thinking make them a beacon in the tech landscape.",30 date: "September 10, 2023",31 readTime: 8,32 author: {33 name: "John Smith",34 image: {35 src: "",36 alt: "",37 },38 },39 link: "#",40 },41 {42 category: "Initiatives",43 title: "JettWave's Endeavors in Social Tech",44 description:45 "Beyond business, JettWave is actively making a difference with technology for social good. Explore their initiatives aimed at creating a positive impact on communities and the environment.",46 date: "October 15, 2023",47 readTime: 7,48 author: {49 name: "Emily Davis",50 image: {51 src: "",52 alt: "",53 },54 },55 link: "#",56 },57 ],58};5960export function BlogSections7() {61 return (62 <div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-md px-8 py-12 sm:max-w-xl md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-5xl xl:max-w-7xl">63 <div className="mb-10 border-b border-slate-200 pb-8">64 <div className="max-w-3xl">65 <p className="mb-1 truncate text-lg font-semibold capitalize text-sky-600">66 {data.subHeading}67 </p>68 <h2 className="mb-4 text-4xl font-extrabold tracking-tight text-slate-900 [text-wrap:balance]">69 {data.title}70 </h2>71 <p className="text-lg text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">72 {data.paragraph}73 </p>74 </div>75 </div>76 <div className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-12 lg:grid-cols-3">77 { (79 { category, title, description, date, readTime, author, link },80 index: number81 ) => {82 return (83 <div84 key={index}85 className="flex grow flex-col justify-between gap-y-8"86 >87 <div className="min-w-0">88 <p className="mb-3 w-fit rounded-full bg-sky-100 px-2.5 py-1.5 text-xs font-semibold uppercase text-sky-600">89 {category}90 </p>91 <Link92 href={link}93 className="mb-1 line-clamp-2 text-xl font-bold text-slate-900 duration-150 [text-wrap:balance] first-letter:uppercase hover:text-sky-700"94 >95 {title}96 </Link>97 <p className="line-clamp-3 text-base text-slate-600 [text-wrap:balance]">98 {description}99 </p>100 </div>101 <div className="flex items-center gap-x-4">102 <div className="h-12 w-12 shrink-0 overflow-hidden rounded-full">103 <img104 src={author.image.src}105 alt={author.image.alt}106 onError={(e) => {107 const image = as HTMLImageElement;108 image.src = "onerrorimg";109 }}110 className="aspect-square h-full w-full object-cover"111 />112 </div>113 <div className="min-w-0">114 <p className="truncate text-base font-medium capitalize text-slate-900">115 {}116 </p>117 <p className="truncate text-sm text-slate-600">118 {date}119 <span className="font-medium">120 {" • "}121 {readTime} min read122 </span>123 </p>124 </div>125 </div>126 </div>127 );128 }129 )}130 </div>131 </div>132 );133}134
Pioneering Progress
Jettwave's Odyssey in Tech Mastery
Jettwave embodies the spirit of progress, combining cutting-edge ideas with unparalleled expertise, setting new standards in the tech realm.
JettWave: Crafting a Tech LegacyDelve into the legacy JettWave has built over the years. From momentous achievements to challenges overcome, witness the makings of a tech giant.
Michael Johnson
June 4, 2023 • 7 min read
Insights from JettWave's Tech Think TankPeer into the minds that fuel JettWave's innovations. Their unique perspectives, bold ideas, and forward-thinking make them a beacon in the tech landscape.
John Smith
September 10, 2023 • 8 min read
JettWave's Endeavors in Social TechBeyond business, JettWave is actively making a difference with technology for social good. Explore their initiatives aimed at creating a positive impact on communities and the environment.
Emily Davis
October 15, 2023 • 7 min read
Split heading with list
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